CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sticks and Stones (P)

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Easy Intermediate Partner
John Sandham (ES) & Krys Myerscough (ES) - June 2017
Sticks and Stones - Tracy Lawrence : (Album: The Best of)
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NOTE........ all steps are for the Leader! the Lady or Partner is on the opposite foot Mirror image
the dance moves around the outside of the dance floor in an anti clockwise direction
leader inside facing LOD & holding middle hands

SEC 1: Toe Strut-Toe Strut- Fwd-Hook-Fwd-Tog
1 2 3 4Rt Toe Strut-Lt Toe Strut (fwd)
5 6 7Rt Touch Fwd-Hook in front of Lt Knee-Touch Fwd
8then step Tog.

SEC 2: Toe Strut-Toe Strut-Side-Fwd-Side-Hold
1 2 3 4Lt Toe Strut-Rt Toe Strut (fwd)
5 6 7 8Lt Touch Side-Then Fwd (touching toes)-Lt Side-Hold.

SEC 3: Step Behind-Turn-Turn-Step-Lt Side-Touch-Rt Side-Touch.
1 2 3Step Lt Behind Rt-Make a 1/4 turn to Lt on Rt-then Lt-
4Rt foot to Side.
5 6 7 8Step Lt to Side-Touch Rt-Step Rt to Side-Touch Lt.
( lady steps Rt in Front on 1 & makes 1/4 turn Lt on Lt-Rt-then steps Lt to face to face holding leaders Lt hand with Partners Rt. as they both do the side steps now side on to LOD)

SEC 4: Weave..Behind-side-Front-Side-Behind-1/4 Turn-Touch-Hold.
1 2 3 4Cross Lt Behind-Rt to Side-Lt Cross in Front-Rt to Side.
4 5 6 7Cross Lt Behind-Make a 1/4 turn Rt-Touch Lt-Hold.
( now both facing LOD)

SEC 5: Walk back Lt-Rt-Lt-Touch RT-FWD Lt-Rt-Lt-Touch Rt.
1 2 3 4Walk Back on Lt-Rt-LT-Touch Rt next to Lt.
5 6 7 8Walk Fwd on Rt-Lt-Rt-Touch Lt next to Rt.
( turn lady full turn Rt as you walk back & full turn Lt as you walk forward)

SEC 6: Swinging Shuffles Lt Rt Lt-Rt Lt Rt-Lt Rt Lt-Rt Lt Rt.
1&2 3&4Swing out Rt on Rt Lt Rt.Swing in on Rt Lt Rt.
5&6 7&8Repeat LT & RT Shuffles (touch hands in front as you swing in)

SEC 7: Turning Shuffles Inside to End facing Side LOD
SEC 7: 1/2 turn Lt Rt Lt-1/4 Rt Lt Rt-1/4 Lt Rt Lt-1/4 Rt Lt Rt.
1&2Turning to Lt make a 1/2 turn on Lt Rt Lt (facing RLOD)
3&4continue 1/4 turn Lt on Rt Lt Rt.( now back to Back)
5&6continue 1/4 turn Lt on Lt Rt Lt ( now facing Lod)
7&8continue 1/4 turn Lt on Rt Lt Rt ( now face to face )

SEc 8: Change Sides
SEC 8: Walk Lt-RT-1/4 turn-Touch-In-Out-In-Out.
1 2 3 4Walk Lt-Rt-make 1/4 turn Rt-Touch Rt.
5 6 7 8Swing hips & Heels In-Out-In-Out.
( ladys make a 3/4 turn to Rt change hands to inside hold as you face Fwd) Start Over! from 1


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