CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Robert Hahn (DE) - June 2017
Flatliner (feat. Dierks Bentley) - Cole Swindell
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Note: Start on lead vocals after 20 (4+16) counts intro

[1-8] Step, Together, Shuffle Forward, Step, Together, Shuffle Forward
1-2Step right forward to right diagonal, step left next to right
3&4Step right forward to right diagonal, step left next to right, step right forward to right diagonal
5-6Step left forward to left diagonal, step right next to left
7&8Step left forward to left diagonal, step right next to left, step left forward to left diagonal

[9-16] Step Cross, Back, ½ Shuffle Turn Right, Step, ½ Turn Left & Step Back, Sailor Step
1-2Step right across left, step left back
3&4Make a ¼ turn right and step right to right side, step left next to right, make a ¼ turn right and step right forward
5-6Step left forward, make a ½ turn left and step right back
7&8Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left slightly to left side

[17-24] Step Cross, Side, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock With ¼ Turn Left, ½ Shuffle Turn Left
1-2Step right across left, step left to left side
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right across left
5-6Step left to left side, make a ¼ turn left and recover weight back onto right
7&8Make a ¼ turn left and step left to left side, step right next to left, make a ¼ turn left and step left forward

[25-32] Full Turn Forward Left, Shuffle Forward, Rock Step, Coaster Step
1-2Make a ½ turn left and step right back, make a ½ turn left and step left forward
3&4Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6Step left forward, recover weight back onto right
7&8Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward

… start again

Restart: After Wall 2 (facing 6:00) dance the first 16 counts then restart (= start Wall 3).

Tag 1: After Wall 5 (facing 3:00) dance the first 16 counts and then add the following steps, then restart:
[1-8] Heel Bounces
1-3Tap right ball slightly forward and bounce heels 3 times
4Step right down
5-7Tap left ball slightly forward and bounce heels 3 times
8Step left down

[9-16] Heel Bounces, Triple Steps in Place
1-3Tap right ball slightly forward and bounce heels 3 times
4Step right down
5&6&Step right next to left, step left next to right, step right next to left, step left next to right
7&8&Step right next to left, step left next to right, step right next to left, step left next to right

Tag 2: After Wall 7 (facing 9:00) add the following steps, then restart:
1-4Tap right ball slightly forward and snap fingers 4 times

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