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My Redemption Song

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Tim Johnson (UK) - May 2017
My Redemption Song (feat. Sam Gray) - Manovski : (iTunes)
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Intro: 16 counts,

[1-8] Walk forward R,L,R,L Samba right, Samba left
1-4Walk forward right, left, right, left
5&6Cross right over left, rock left out to left side recover on right
7&8Cross left over right, rock right out to right side recover on left
[9-16] Rock recover right ¼ turn right side shuffle, weave, slide right.
1-2Rock forward on right, recover weight left
3&4Step back on right a 1/4turn to the right
5&6Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left behind right
7-8Step right out to right side, slide left foot up to meet right (transferring weight to left foot)
[17-24] Rock recover right, back shuffle right, ¼ turn left shuffle, rock right behind left
1-2Rock forward on right, recover weight left
3&4Step back right, step left foot in front of right, step right foot back
5&6Step left foot out to left side making a ¼ turn to the left, step right next to left, step left to left side
7-8Step right foot behind left, recover weight on to left

[25-32] Kick ball touch, weave right, rock step, ½ turn walking round
1&2Kick right foot, step down on right & point left out to left side
3&4Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left over right
5-6Rock right out to right side recover on left (pointing toes to the to begin walking round to the left)
7-8Cross right over left making a 1/4 turn to the left, step forward on the left making a further ¼ turn to the left
Tags: 2 Tags. 1st on third wall after first 8 counts 2nd on ninth wall after first 8 counts
[1-8] Step back right diagonal drag left, step back left diagonal drag right, step back right diagonal drag left, step back left diagonal drag right
1-4Step back right diagonal drag left foot in to meet right, Step back left diagonal drag right foot in to meet left.
5-8Step back right diagonal drag left foot in to meet right, Step back left diagonal drag right foot in to meet left.

[9-16] Cross right over left, walk round in a full circle, step out, out, and together hold.
1-4Cross right over left starting to travel round over the left should, walk round over 3 counts left, right, left.
5-8Step right foot out to right side, step left foot out to left side, bring feet together and hold.

Good luck & enjoy!

Contact -

nica June 4, 2017
Thank you Tim for teaching this great dance in Oxford Today, really it

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