Easy Intermediate
Dance begins on lyrics after a 24 count intro
1-3Step R fwd, Rock fwd on L, recover back onto R
4&5Shuffle back L,R,L
6-7Turn 1/4 turn R & rock R to R side, turn 1/4 turn L & rock fwd onto L
8&1Shuffle fwd R,L,R turning 1/2 turn L
2&3turn 1/2 turn L & shuffle fwd L,R,L
4-5Rock fwd on R, recover onto L
6-8Turn 1/2 turn R & step R fwd, rock fwd onto L, recover back onto R
1-2Step L back on L diagonal, touch R beside L
3&4Shuffle to R side - R,L,R
5-6Rock L fwd across R, recover back onto R
7&8Turn 1/4 turn L & shuffle fwd L,R,L
1-2Roll fwd a full turn L stepping R then L
3-4Rock fwd onto R, recover back onto L (Restarts occur here - you still need to turn 1/2 turn R to restart)
5-8Turn 1/2 turn R & step R fwd, Step L fwd, pivot 1/2 turn R, Step L fwd
RESTART: There is a Restart on wall 4 (facing 12:00) & 7 (facing 9:00)
You will dance up to count 28 - you will still need to make the 1/2 turn R to restart the new wall.
Tracie Lee - 0419 999 650 - -
1-3Step R fwd, Rock fwd on L, recover back onto R
4&5Shuffle back L,R,L
6-7Turn 1/4 turn R & rock R to R side, turn 1/4 turn L & rock fwd onto L
8&1Shuffle fwd R,L,R turning 1/2 turn L
2&3turn 1/2 turn L & shuffle fwd L,R,L
4-5Rock fwd on R, recover onto L
6-8Turn 1/2 turn R & step R fwd, rock fwd onto L, recover back onto R
1-2Step L back on L diagonal, touch R beside L
3&4Shuffle to R side - R,L,R
5-6Rock L fwd across R, recover back onto R
7&8Turn 1/4 turn L & shuffle fwd L,R,L
1-2Roll fwd a full turn L stepping R then L
3-4Rock fwd onto R, recover back onto L (Restarts occur here - you still need to turn 1/2 turn R to restart)
5-8Turn 1/2 turn R & step R fwd, Step L fwd, pivot 1/2 turn R, Step L fwd
RESTART: There is a Restart on wall 4 (facing 12:00) & 7 (facing 9:00)
You will dance up to count 28 - you will still need to make the 1/2 turn R to restart the new wall.
Tracie Lee - 0419 999 650 - -