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Wake the Dead

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Low Intermediate
Derek Steele (USA) - February 2017
Wake the Dead - Sam Riggs : (Single)
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Intro: After 32 counts with the lyrics “Can you feel the beat...”
Sequence: 32, TagA, 32, TagB, 32, TagA, 32, TagA, 32, 32, 32, 24 *Restart, 32’s to end

Choreographer’s Note: This is polka based in rhthym, but make it as smooth as you like and have fun!

[1-8] Triple Side R, 1/4 Hinge Turn, Triple Side L, 1/4 Hinge Turn, Triple Side R, L Coaster Step
1&2Step side R, Step together L, Step side R [12:00]
&3&4Turn 1/4 left to 9:00 (weight on R, L foot free), Step side L, Step together R, Step side L
&5&6Turn 1/4 left to 6:00 (weight on L, R foot free), Step side R, Step together L, Step side R
7&8Step back L, Step together R, Step forward L

[9-16] Step, Point, Step, Point, Back, Point, Sailor 1/4 L
1,2Step forward R, Point/touch L to side
3,4Step forward L, Point/touch R to side
5,6Step back R, Point/touch L side
7&81/4 Turning Sailor Step: Step L just behind R heel, Step side R turning 1/8 to left to 5:00, Turn 1/8 to left to 3:00 stepping slightly forward L

[17-24] Step, 1/2 Turn, Prep, Reverse 1/2, Triple 1/2 Turn, Step, 1/4 Turn*
1,2Step forward R, Turn 1/2 left to 9:00 taking weight on L
3,4“Prep” step forward R, Turn 1/2 right to 3:00 stepping back L
5&6Turn 1/4 right to 6:00 stepping side R, Step together L, Turn 1/4 right to 9:00 stepping forward R
7,8* Step forward L, Turn 1/4 right to 12:00 taking weight on R* (*or R touch together for restart)

*Restart: During wall 8 (which starts at original back wall) replace count 24 (count 8 of this section) with:
Turn 1/4 right to face back wall touching together R to Restart dance from the top.

[25-32] Cross, Side, Sailor 1/2 L, Cross, Point, Kick-Ball-Touch
1,2Step L across R, Step side R
3&41/2 Turning Sailor Step: Step L just behind R heel turning 1/8 to left to 11:00, Step side R turning 1/8 left to 9:00, Turn 1/4 to left to 6:00 stepping side L
5,6Step R across L, Point/touch L to side
7&8Small/Low kick forward L, Step together L, Touch R next to L

Tag A: 4 counts added at completion of walls 1, 3, 4: Step, 1/2 L, Step 1/2 L
1,2Step forward R, Turn 1/2 left taking weight on L
3,4Step forward R, Turn 1/2 left taking weight on L

Tag B:12 counts added at the completion of wall 2: Triple R, Rock, Recover, Triple L, Rock, Recover, Step, 1/2 L, Step, 1/2 L
1&2Small step side R, Step together L, Small step side R
3,4Rock L behind R, Recover weight to L
5&6Small step side L, Step together R, Small step side L
7,8Rock R behind L, Recover weight to R
9,10Step forward R, Turn 1/2 left taking weight on L
11,12Step forward R, Turn 1/2 left taking weight on L

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This step sheet may be freely copied intact, however, modifications to this step sheet may not be made without the permission of the choreographer.

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