CopperKnob Stepsheets

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JR Landry (UK) - February 2017
Carolina Boys - Lee Brice
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S1: Sailor Step RLR, Sailor LRL, Sailor RLR, Sailor LRL
1&2Sailor step right left right (step right behind left, step left beside right, step out right)
3&4Sailor step left right left (step left behind right, step right beside left, step out left)
5&6Sailor step right left right
7&8Sailor step left right left
(The easiest way I have explained it to people is its just like a coaster step, but on a diagnol motion)

S2: Right Heel-Toe, Coaster RLR, Left Heel-Toe, Coaster LRL
1,2Right heel forward, right toe side
3&4Coaster step right left right (step back right, step together left, step forward right)
5,6Left heel forward, left toe side
7&8Coaster step left right left

S3: Wizard Step RLR, Wizard Step LRL, Wizard Step RLR, Wizard Step LRL
1&2Wizard step right left right (step out on slight angle to right side with right foot, slide-step left foot behind right, step on right foot [very much like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz])
3&4Wizard step left right left
5&6Wizard step right left right
7&8Wizard step left right left

S4: 1/4 Monterey Turn, 1/4 Monterey Turn
1,2,3,4Monterey turn, 1/4 turn right (point right to right side, as foot is dragged back turn 1/4 right, point left foot to left side, drag and step left foot next to right foot)
5,6,7,8Monterey turn, 1/4 turn right

S5: Jazz Box x2 with a 1/4 Right
1,2,3,4Jazz box right left right left **(step right foot across the front of left foot, step left foot straight back, step right foot to right side [about shoulder width apart], step left foot in front of right foot)**
5,6,7,8Jazz box right left right left

S6: Shuffle Forward RLR, Shuffle Forward LRL, Walk Forward RLRL
1&2Shuffle forward right left right
3&4Shuffle forward left right left
5,6,7,8Walk forward right left right left

** For those who learn on a more visual way, your feet will step in this pattern for a jazz box **
Right (first step)...............Left (fourth step)

Left (second step)...............Right (third step)



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