CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Downtown Girl

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Phrased Intermediate
Darcie DeAngelis (USA) - February 2017
Downtown Girl - Hot Chelle Rae
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Intro: 16 counts - Phrasing: AB AB A- TAG B- B B(end) B(end)

A: 40 counts
(A 1-8) Cross Side, 1/4 Turn Sailor, 1/2 Turn Shuffle, Coaster
1 2Cross R over L (1) Step R to R (2)
3&4Step R behind L (3) Step L to L (&) Making 1/4 turn R, Step R forward (4)
5&6Making 1/4 turn R, step L to L (5) Step R next to L (&) Making 1/4 turn R, step L back (6)
7&8Step R back (7) Step L next to R (&) Step R forward (8)

(A 9-16) Diagonal Walk L R, Rock Recover, 3/8 Turn, Full Turn
1 2 3 4Step L forward slow to 10:30 (1, 2) Step R forward slow (3, 4)
5&6Rock L forward (5) Recover R (&) Making 3/8 turn L [6:00], step L forward (6)
7 8Making 1/2 turn L, step R back (7) Making 1/2 turn L, step L forward (8)

(A 17-24) R Forward, Cross Rock Recover, Side Rock Recover, L Sailor, 1/4, 1/2 Turn Bounce
1 2&Step L forward (1) Cross rock L over R (2) Recover R (&)
3&Rock L to L side (3) Recover R (&)
4&5Step L behind R (4) Step R to R (&) Step L to L and slightly forward, while flicking R (5)
(**dance to here for A-)
6 7 8Making 1/4 turn L, cross R over L (6) Making 1/2 turn L, bounce heels two times, weight ending R (7 8)

(A 25-32) L Forward, R Rock, Recover/Hitch, Sailor, 1/4 Turn Shuffle, 1/2 Turn R
1 2Step L forward [to 10:30] (1) Rock R forward (2)
3Recover L, hitching R, rotating R front to back (3)
4&5Squaring to 12:00, step R behind L (4) Step L in place (&) Step R to R (5)
(Tag starts here)
6&7 8Making 1/4 turn R, step L forward (6) Step R next to L (&) Step L forward (7) Making 1/2 turn R, step R forward (8)

(A 33-40) 1/4, Touch Back x 2, 3/4 Glide Box, Ball Step (1/2)
1 2Making 1/4 turn R, step L to L [12:00] (1) Touch R behind L (2)
3 4Step R to R (3) Touch L behind R (4)
5 6Turn 1/4 R, stepping L to L [3:00] (5) Turn 1/4 R, stepping R to R [6:00] (6)
7&8Turn 1/4 R, stepping L to L [9:00] (7) Step ball of R back (&) Turn 1/4 R, stepping L forward [12:00] (8)

B: 48 counts
(B 1-8) Kick R, Point L, Kick L, Point R, Paddle 1/2 Turn
1&2Kick R forward (1) Step R center (&) Point L to L (2)
3&4Kick L forward (3) Step L center (&) Point R to R (4)
5 6 7 8Make 1/2 turn L [to 6:00], by touching R to R (5 6 7 8)

(B 9-16) Dorothy step x 2 RL, R Forward, 1/2 Turn, 1/4 Turn with Sweep, Behind Side
1 2&Step R forward (1) Lock L behind R (2) Step L forward (&)
3 4&Step L forward (3) Lock R behind L (4) Step R forward (&)
5 6Step R forward (5) Turn 1/2 L, transferring weight to L (6)
7Turn 1/4 L [to 9:00], stepping R to R, sweeping L behind R (7)
8&Cross L behind R (8) Step R to R (&)

(B 17-24) L Forward, Rock Recover, 1/2, 1/2, 1/4 with Hip Push R, Hip Push L, Hip Circle R
1 2&Step L forward (1) Rock R forward (2) Recover L (&)
3 4Making 1/2 turn R, step R forward (3) Making 1/2 turn R, step L back (4)
5 6Making 1/4 turn R [12:00], step R to R, pushing hips R (5) Push hips L (6)
7 8Make clockwise circle with hips, L to R, ending with L closing to R, weight on R (7 8)

(B 25-32) Knee Pop/Chug RLRR, Cross Back Side, Cross Back, 3/8 Turn
1Step L forward diagonal [10:30], popping R knee (1)
2Step R forward on diagonal, popping L knee (2)
3&4Step L forward, popping R knee (3), Step ball of R next to L (&) Step L forward,popping R knee (4)
5&6Cross R over L (5) Step L back (&) Step R back to side of L (6)
7&8Cross L over R (7) Step R back (&) Turning 3/8 L [to 6:00], step L forward (8)
(**Dance to here for B-)

(B 33-40) Point RLRL, Side Body Roll, Ball Step, Side Body Roll
1&2&Point R to R (1) Step ball of R center (&) Point L to L (2) Step ball of L center (&)
3&4Point R to R (3) Step ball of R center (&) Point L to L (4)
5 6&Push head, shoulders, torso then hips to L, weight ending L (5 6) Step ball of R center (&)
7 8&Stepping L to L, push head, shoulders, torso then hips to L, weight ending L (7 8)

(B 41-48) Point LRLR, Side Body Roll, Ball Step, Side Body Roll, Ball
1&2&Point L to L (1) Step ball of L center (&) Point R to R (2) Step ball of R center (&)
3&4Point L to L (3) Step ball of L center (&) Point R to R (4)
5 6&Push head, shoulder, torso, hips to R, weight ending R (5 6) Step ball of L center (&)
7 8&Stepping R to R, push head, shoulder, torso, hips to R, weight ending R (7 8) Step ball of L next to R (&)

TAG: Starting with count 5 of A 25-32.
Alternate weight to ball of R & L with straight leg, mimicking penguin like waddle/run.
Raising arms: starting down at side to straight out at side to straight up from count 5 thru to 4
5&6&weight to R (5) weight to L (&) weight to R (6) weight to L (&)
7&8&weight to R (7) weight to L (&) weight to R (8) weight to L (&)
1&2&weight to R (1) weight to L (&) weight to R (2) weight to L (&)
3&4weight to R (3) weight to L (&) weight to R (4)
&5Hold feet, even weight, arms in to chest (&) arms explode out to side (5)
678hold (6 7 8)

A- = A1-21
B- = B1-32
B(end) = repeat B33-48


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