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I Don't Mind

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Phrased Advanced
Fred Whitehouse (IRE) & Shane McKeever (N.IRE) - January 2017
I Don't Mind (feat. Juicy J) - Usher
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Intro – 16 counts (9 Seconds from start of track)
Counts – A-64, B-32 - Sequence – A,B,B, A,B,B, A,B,B

Section A: 64 counts
A1: Step, hold, sailor step, step, hold, step back x2, pivot ¼ turn R
1,2Step R to R side, hold
3&4Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L side (slightly angle body to L diagonal)
5,6Step R next to L, hold (on count 5 raise both hands beside face with hands open, on count 6 close fingers starting with little finger first)
&7,8Step L behind R, step R to R side, pivot ¼ turn R keeping weight on R

A2: Raise hands R,L,R, kick, hook, step L forward, pivot ½ turn R, full turn R
1&2Raise R hand in front waist height, raise L hand above R, raise R hand above L (Hands should be in fist position, like you are holding a pole and moving upward)
3,4Kick L forward, bring L heel in slightly across R leg (leave space between L heel and R leg, like your legs on a pole, keep hands on pole as you kick)
5,6Step L forward, pivot ½ turn R placing weight on R
7,8Make ½ turn R stepping L back, ½ turn R stepping R forward (9.00)

A3: Heel struts x2, step sweep, cross, side, side
1,2Touch L heel forward, place weight on LF popping R knee
3,4Touch R heel forward, place weight on RF popping L knee (camel walks, with heels to start the movement)
5,6Step L forward sweeping R from back to front over 2 counts
&7,8Cross R over L, step L to L side, ¼ turn R stepping R to R side

A4: Rock recover, coaster step, step glide ½ turn L x2
1,2Rock L forward, recover weight onto R
3&4Step L back, close R next to L, step L forward
5,6Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L placing weight on L
7,8Step R forward, pivot ½ turn L placing weight on L ( moonwalk glides, push off RF gliding LF back, repeat)

A5: Grapevine R, clap, full rolling turn with kicks (or rolling full rolling turn)
1,2Step R to R side, step L behind R
3,4Step R to R side, flick L heel back clapping both hands together (pop shoulders as you style on vine, angel body to L diagonal)
5&6¼ turn L kicking L forward, step L forward, ¼ turn L kicking R forward
&7&8¼ turn L stepping R back, ¼ turn L kicking L forward, step L to L side, kick R to R diagonal (easy option: rolling turn L with kick) kick should face 10.30

A6: Step, close, knee pops x2, shoulder pops x3, ¼ turn L x2
1,2¼ turn R stepping R to R diagonal, close L next to R
3,4Pop R knee, pop L knee (pop shoulders forward when doing knee pops, should end up slightly bent forward, weight should be on R)
5&6Pop shoulders R,L,R (shoulder pops should raise with each pop, bring posture back to normal)
7,8¼ turn L stepping L forward, ¼ turn L touching R next to L

A7: Grapevine R, clap, full rolling turn with kicks (or rolling full rolling turn)
1,2Step R to R side, step L behind R
3,4Step R to R side, flick L heel back clapping both hands together (make money signs with hand on vine)
5&6¼ turn L kicking L forward, step L forward, ¼ turn L kicking R forward
&7&8¼ turn L stepping R back, ¼ turn L kicking L forward, step L to L side, kick R to R diagonal (easy option: rolling turn L with kick) kick should face 10.30

A8: Step, close, knee pops x2, shoulder pops x3, ¼ turn L x2
1,2¼ turn R stepping R to R diagonal, close L next to R
3,4Pop R knee, pop L knee (pop shoulders forward when doing knee pops, should end up slightly bent forward, weight should be on R)
5&6Pop shoulders R,L,R (shoulder pops should raise with each pop, bring posture back to normal)
7,8¼ turn L stepping L forward, ¼ turn L touching R next to L

Section B: 32 counts
B1: Rock recover, ball touch, twist, cross, out, out x2, close
1,2Rock R to R side, recover weight on L
&3Close R next to L, touch L to L side
&4Swivel L heel out, recover heel in (weight should end on R)
5&6Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L to L
&7Cross R over L, step L to L side
&8Step R to R side, cross L over R

B2: Kick, hitch, step, roll head clockwise, hitch, step, ball step scuff hook, kick
1&2Kick R to R side, hitch R knee up, close R next to L
3,4Roll head in full circle over 2 counts (push head forward, move to R, continue the circle)
5,6Hitch R knee up, step R forward (helps to bring L arm up when hitching R knee, raise forearm up like holding a shield)
&7Close L next to R, scuff R forward
&8Hook R heel over L, kick R forward

B3: Ball step close, pop chest, repeat, ¼ turn R, step R forward, ½ turn R, ¼ turn slide
&1&2Step R to R side, touch L next to R, small chest pop
&3&4Step L to L side, touch R next to L, small chest pop
5,6¼ turn R stepping R forward, step L forward
7,8pivot ½ turn placing weight on R, ¼ turn R stepping L to L side

B4: Sailor step, sailor ½ turn, walk back R,L,R,L
1&2Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side
3&4Step L behind R, ¼ turn L step R back, ¼ turn L stepping L forward
5-8Walk back R, L, R, L (style walks on diagonals or heel grinds back, waving one hand in the air)

Happy dancing


peter706 February 1, 2017
If you are going to bleep out the words why bother to dance to it?

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