CopperKnob Stepsheets

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American Love

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Denys BEN (FR) & Marie-France BEN (FR) - August 2016
American Love - Jake Owen
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Restart: 3rd wall after 16 counts

Section 1 : Right step ½ turn left, right triple step forward, Left step ½ turn right, Left triple step forward
1-2Right step forward, ½ turn left
3&4Triple step forward R, L, R
5-6Left step forward, ½ turn Right
7&8Triple step forward, L, R, L

Section 2 : Right step diagonal right forward, Touch left next to right with clap, Coaster diagonal with clap, Right point forward, Right step right with ¼ turn right, Cross triple
1-2Right step diagonal right, Touch Left next to Right with clap
3&4Coaster diagonal clap« V »: Left step back diagonal left, Right next to Left, Left step diagonal left Clap on the count 4
5-6Right point front left, Right step side right with ¼ turn right
7&8Cross triple right : Cross left over right, Right side right, Cross left over Right
Restart : on the 3ème wall (Put Left in front of account 8 to restart better)

Section 3 : ½ Monterey turn right, Left point left side, Left next to right, Right side right, Left Sailor step, Right Sailor step ¼ turn right
1-2Right point side right, ½ turn right
3&4Left point side left, Left next to Right, Right step side right
5&6Sailor step : Left behind right, Right step side right, Left step side left,
7&8Right Sailor step ¼ turn right

Section 4 : Left point left, Left touch next to right, Triple step left side, Right point diagonal left, Right step ¼ turn right, Rock ½ turn left
1Go up your arms upwards making a heart with your hands - pointing left step diagonally left
2Bring the arms up to the height of the heart with touch left step next to right
3&4Left cha cha cha side left
5-6Right point forward diagonal left, Right step ¼ turn right
7&8Rock step left forward, recover right, Left step ½ turn left

Note : Go up arms by making a heart with hands

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