CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Got Your Number

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Carol Larocque (CAN) - August 2016
Got Your Number - Serena Ryder : (Single - iTunes)
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Intro: 8 counts; start after the whooshing sound

S1: R Night Club, L Night Club, R Side Rock Cross and Cross and Cross
1,2, &(1) Step R to R, (2) rock L behind R, (&) recover on R
3,4, &(3) Step L to L, (4) rock R behind L, (&) recover on L
5&6&7&8(5) Side rock R to R side (&) recover L to L side (6) cross R over L (&) ball step L (7) Cross R over L (&) ball step L (8) cross R over L - 12:00

S2: L Night Club, R Night Club, L Side Rock Cross and Cross and Cross
1,2,&(1) Step L to L, (2) rock R behind L, (&) recover on L
3,4,&(3) Step R to R, (4) rock L behind R, (&) recover on R
5&6&7&8(5) Side rock L to L side (&) recover R to R side (6) cross L over R (&) ball step R (7) Cross L over R (&) ball step R (8) cross L over R - 12:00

S3: ¼ Turn L Stepping Back R, Step L Together, Step R Forward, ¾ Turn R Chase Step, Hitch R and Touch L Back, Hitch L and Touch R Back
1, 2(1) ¼ Turn L stepping back on R, (&) step L together with R, (2) step R forward prepping for R turn - 9:00
3&43) step L forward, (&) ½ turn R stepping on R, (4) ¼ turn R stepping L forward - 6:00
5&6(5) Hitch R knee, (&) recover on R, (6) touch L toe back
7&8(7) Hitch L knee, (&) recover on L, (8) touch R toe back
ENDING: Facing 12:00

S4: ½ Turn R Triple, Side Behind Side, Cross Rock ¼ Turn R, Ball Cross Ball Cross Making Another ½ Turn R
1&2(1) ½ turn R stepping R forward, (&) step L together with L, (2) step R forward - 12:00
3&4(3) Step L to L side, (&) step R behind L, (4) step L to L side
5&6(5) Cross rock R over L, (&) recover L, (6) ¼ turn R stepping down on R - 3:00
&7&8(&) Ball step L (7) step down R making ¼ turn R (&) ball step L (8) step down R making ¼ turn R - 9:00

S5: Triple L Forward, 1/2 Turn L Chase Step, Point L and R, and Cross Unwind ½ Turn R
1&2(1) Step L forward, (&) step R together with L, (2) step L forward
3&4(3) Step R forward, (&) ½ turn L stepping down on L, (4) step R forward - 3:00
5&6&(5) Point L toe to L side, (&) step on L, (6) point R toe to R side (&) step down R
7, 8(7) Cross R over L, (8) unwind ½ turn R (wt L) - 9:00


TAG: Done after Wall 1, facing 9:00, after Wall 3, facing 3:00
(1) Stepping out to R, with R pointer and index fingers, make a > shape
(2) Draw R hand in front of and across R eye to R side (shoulder height)
(3) Stepping out to L, with L pointer and index fingers, make a <, shape
(4) Draw L hand in front of and across L eye to L side (shoulder height)

END OF WALL 5: No music for 2 counts. Dance through to end.

ENDING: Do 24 counts, finishing at 12:00. Point R pointer finger forward, as you complete the unwind, and wink if you wish (lol)


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