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Peter Pan

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Phrased High Intermediate
Jonathan Baumeister (USA) - August 2016
Peter Pan - Kelsea Ballerini
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** Dedicated to Freckles **
Note: There is a faster back beat, this is the beat we are counting, not the slower nightclub feeling beat so that the song phrases correctly and eliminates all but one & count.
Order: A, B, C, Tag, A, B (all but last 8 counts), C, Tag X 2, B, C, A

Section A: 48 Counts
A[1-8] Walk, hold, walk, hold side rock, recover, cross, ¼ turn
1-2, 3-4Step forward L foot, Hold, Step forward R foot, Hold
5, 6, 7, 8Rock L foot to Left side, Recover weight to R foot, Cross L foot in front of R, ¼ Turn right, step forward on R foot

A[9-16] Rock, recover, ¼ left turn step, together, ¼ left turn, forward
1-2, 3-4Rock forward L foot, hold, Recover R foot,
5, 6, 7, 8¼ Turn left L foot, R step together, ¼ turn left on L foot, step forward R foot (9 o’clock)

A[17-24] Step ½, step hold, ½, ½, walk, walk
1-2Step forward L foot, ½ turn to right weight still on L foot
3-4,Step forward on R foot, hold
5, 6, 7, 8½ Turn to right on L foot, ½ turn to right on R foot, Walk forward L foot, walk forward R foot

A[25-32] Left hesitation, right hesitation, step diagonal, rock back diagonal, recover, scuff
1-2L Hesitation forward, hold
3-4R Hesitation Back, hold
5, 6, 7, 8step L Foot side to Diagonal (1:30), rock back diagonal R foot, recover weight to L foot, Scuff R foot

A[33-40] Step, ½ turn, 5/8 turn, step with sweep, sailor, hold
1, 2Step forward R foot, turn ½ left take weight on L foot
3, 45/8 Turn left on L foot, step R foot sweep L foot front to back
5,6,7,8Left Sailor solid counts, hold 8

A[41-48] Cross rock, recover with sweep, weave, hold
1-2R Foot rock across L, hold
3-4Recover onto L foot, sweep R foot front to back
5,6,7,8R Foot cross behind left, side L foot, cross R foot over L, Hold

Section B: 40 counts
B[1-8] Feet apart head and hands up, and back, head and hands down
1-4Split weight Hands and head up in the air
&5-8L Foot back, R foot out, hands and head down

B[9-16] Left foot rock, hold, recover, hold, hook, 1/8 turn, ¼ turn step side
1-2Rock L foot 1/8 to left (10:30), hold
3-4Step back R foot to diagonal, hold
5, 6, 7, 8Hook L foot behind R, 1/8 turn left on stepping on R foot, ¼ turn (6:00) L foot forward, R foot out to side

B[17-24] Hands out to side and head back, hold collapse hold
1-4Hands out to side, head up
5-8Collapse and hold

B[25-32] Step hold, turn hold, walk, walk, walk, hold
1-2L foot step forward, hold
3-4Turn ½ right, weight still on L foot, hold
5,6,7,8Step R, L, R, hold

B[33-40] Rock, hold, replace, hold, ½ turn, step, sweep ½ turn (2nd time to do B leave off this 8 counts)
1-2Rock forward on L foot, hold
3-4Replace weight on R foot, hold
5½ Turn to left step on left
6Step forward R foot
7-8Sweep L foot for ½ turn to right back to front wall

Section C: 48 counts
C[1-8] Walk, walk, look down, head up, shoulders right, left, right, step left
1-2Walk L, R
3-4,Look down, head up to center
5-7Shoulders rock R, L, R
8Step L foot to left side

C[9-16] Rock across, recover, hitch hold, big slide
1-2Rock R foot across left, recover to L foot
3-4Hitch R knee, hold
5-8Big step to right side on R foot, slowly collect L foot

C[17-24] Rock across, recover, step, touch, step, touch, step, touch
1, 2Rock L foot across Right, recover to R foot
3, 4Step L foot to left side, touch R beside Left
5, 6Step R foot to right side, touch L beside right
7, 8Step L foot to left side, touch R beside Left

C[25-32] Heel, Heel, back, cross, slow unwind
1, 2R heel out to front right side, L heel out to left side
3, 4R foot return to center, cross L foot over right
5-8Unwind full turn to right ending with weight on L foot.

C[33-40] Sweep, sweep, step, turn 3/8 right, step forward, hold
1-2Sweep R foot front to back take weight on 2
3-5Sweep L foot front to back slower taking weight on 5
6Turn 3/8 to right stepping forward on R foot (4:30)
7, 8Step forward on L foot, hold

C[41-48] Back, back, back with 1/8 turn left, ¼ turn left stepping forward, step forward, lower head and relax
1, 2Step back R, L
3Step back R taking 1/8 turn to left (3:00)
4¼ Turn left (12:00) step forward on L foot
5, 6Step forward R foot, hold
7-8Lower head and relax body

Tag 16 counts
[1-8] Cross, side, side, hold, behind, front side, hold
1Cross L foot over right
21/8 Turn to left step R foot to right side
31/8 Turn to left, step L foot to left side
5Cross R foot behind left
61/8 Turn to left stepping L foot front
71/8 turn to left stepping R foot to side

[9-16] Repeat


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