CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Prince Charming

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David Ackerman (USA) - July 2016
Prince charmant - Keen'V
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Count in 32 counts from when the back beat starts in.

[1-8] Press R, Press L, Press front R, Press front L
1&2Press R out to right side, Bring weight back to L, Step R next to L
3&4Press L out to left side, Bring weight back to R, Step L next to R
5&6Press R forward, Bring weight back to L, Step R next to L
7&8Press L forward, Bring weight back to R, Step L next to R

[9-16] ¼ Jazz Box, Side Knee Lifts (or hip rolls)
1-4Cross R over L, Step L back, Make a ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, Cross L over R
5,6Step R to right side, Lift L knee to left side as you put your left hand to the right side of the knee and right hand to behind your head.
7,8Step L to left side, Lift R knee to right side as you put your right hand to the left side of the knee and left hand to the back of your head.
*Hip roll option for counts 5-8
5,6Step R to right side as you roll your hips bringing your weight to right, Hold
7,8Roll hips to the left bringing weight to the left, Hold
**Restart happens here on wall 10 facing 12:00

[17-24] Stomp, Hold, ½ Turn with Booty, Calypso Basic
1,2Stomp R forward, Hold
3&4Push your booty back over your left foot (3), Swing your hips to the right causing your body to make a ½ turn left (&), Have weight land on right foot now facing your new wall and stand up keeping the L toe pointed in front (4)
5&6Cross L over R, Step R back at a slight angle (&), Step L to left side
7&8Cross R over L, Step L back at a slight angle (&), Step R to right side (Styling: Count 5-8 should be slightly bouncy)

[25-32] V step, Side, Horse Step
1-4Step L forward to left diagonal, Step R forward to left diagonal, Step L back to center, Step R next to L (Styling: Use your hips to make each step by pushing your hips forward left, forward right, back left, back right. Your rib cage should stay in roughly the same place for these 4 counts)
5,6a7a8Step L to left side, Hold(6), Step R in place (a), Step L in place (7), Step R in place (a), Step L in place (a) (Styling: As you do the Horse Step you are galloping in place. Keeping your knees bent and soft as you land your knees go in and as you push off your knees will go out)

Tag 1: End of wall 3 facing 3:00
[1-4] Step out and pretend to blow whistle
1-4Step R to right side as you bring your left hand palm out with straight arm to left side (should be toward the front) bring you left hand up and turn your head to the left like you are blowing a whistle. Hold this pose until the last count where you will recover your weight to the left and be ready to start the dance again.

Tag 2: End of wall 4 facing 12:00
[1-4] Rock with shoulder bounce
1&2&Step R to right side as you keep arms straight to your side bounce your shoulder down (1), Shoulders up (&), Shoulders down (2), Shoulders up (&)
3&4Recover weight left bouncing shoulders down (3), Shoulders up (&), Shoulders down (4)

Tag 3: End of wall 7 facing 3:00
[1-4] Washer machine
1-4Step R to right side keeping weight even while pushing rib cage to the left and make fist pushing out to the right (1), Stir the pot with your arms counter clockwise so your arms go away from you and come back, While arms are stirring the pot your rib cage with be mirroring you hands so when arms are stretched in front the rib cage will be pushed back. The move should be done as one fluid motion over 4 counts ending weight on L to start the dance again.

Restart: on wall 10 after 16 counts facing 12:00

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