CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Secret Love of Heroes

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Gary Spurway (UK) - July 2016
Alt music; Heroes by Mans Zelmerlow

*Little Mix – start on hard beat after she sings “cause im yours “ (slow song )
**Mans Zelmerlow - start after he sings “we are the heroes of our time “ either the 1st time (about 37 secs in but no prominent beats) or on the hard beat after he sings it the 3rd time(about 1;08 in) ( fast song)

Section 1: Turned Chasse In A Box
1&2turn ¼ to the left and step to right, step left to right ,step right to side
3&4turn ¼ to the left and step to the left ,right together ,step left
5&6turn ¼ to the left and step to right, step left to right ,step right to side
7&8turn ¼ to the left and step to the left ,right together ,step left

Section 2: Walk Walk Mambo ,Back Back Coaster Cross
1-2walk forward right ,left
3&4rock on right , recover on left, step back right
5-6back left , right
7&8step back left, step right together ,step forward left

Section 3: Cross And Rock ,Cross And Rock ,Step ½ Turn, Scuff Scoot Step
1&2cross right in front of left ,rock on to left ,recover on to right
3&4cross left in front of right ,rock on to right , recover on to left
5-6step right forward, and do ½ turn
7&8scuff right forward ,hitch right and scoot forward ,step right down
(Easy Option Remove The “Scoot Forward “)

Section 4: Side Close ,Side Close Side, Heel Switches Clap
1-2step left to side ,step right together
3&4step left to side ,step right together ,left to side
5-6right heel forward ,right heel in and left heel forward
7-8left heel back and right heel forward ,clap hand

Start Again

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