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Someone Who Can Dance

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Phrased Advanced
Klara Wallman (SWE) - May 2016
Someone Who Can Dance - Icona Pop : (2:52)
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Sequence: A, A, B, A, B, A, A w. Restart, B, A.
Start on vocals, 16 counts intro.

Part A: 32 counts
A1: Heel, Heel, Lockstep w/ sweep, Behind, ¼ turn, Stepturn ½, Step, Hold.
1&Step forward on heel of R (1), Step to L side on heel of L (&).
2&3Step R back (2), Lock L in front of R (&), Step R back as you sweep L from front to back (3).
4-5Step L behind R (4). Turn ¼ R stepping R forward (5). (3.00)
6&7Step L forward (6), Pivot ½ R (&), Step L forward (7). (9.00)

A2: Ball step, Cross, Side, 1/8 turn, Back, ¼ turn, Rockstep, Big step, Drag.
&1Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (1).
2&3Cross R over L (2), Step L to L side (&), Turn 1/8 R stepping R back. (10.30)
4-5Step L back (4), Turn ¼ R stepping R forward (5). (1.30)
6&7Rock L forward (6), Recover onto R (&), Take a big step back on L (7).
8Drag R towards L as you make a 1/8 turn L (8). (12.00).
Restart here at wall 7 (start again with part B).

A3: Ball step, Hip bump, Sway x 2, Cross, Back, Side, Shoulder pops.
&1Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (1).
2&3Step R forward as you push your R hip forward (2), Push your L Hip back (&), Step L forward.
4-5Step L to L side as you sway to L (4), Sway to R (5).
6&7Cross L over R (6), Step R back (&), Step L to L side (7).
&8Raise your R shoulder (&), Lower your R shoulder as you Raise your L shoulder (8).

A4: Ball side, Cross, Side, Sailor ¼, Forward, ½ turn, ¼ turn.
&1Step R next to L (&), Step L to L side (1).
2-3Cross R over L (2), Step L to L side (3).
4&5Step R behind L (4), Turn ¼ R stepping L to L (&), Step R slightly forward (5). (3.00)
6-7-8Step L forward (6), Turn ½ L stepping R back (7), Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (6.00).

Part B: 48 counts
B1: Swivels x 4, Hitch, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, Shuffle.
1-2Swivel both toes out (travelling to R) (1), Swivel both toes in (travelling to R) (2).
3&4Swivel both toes out (travelling to L) (3), Swivel both toes in (travelling to L) (&), Hitch R knee (4).
5-6Turn ¼ R stepping R forward (5), Turn ¼ R stepping L forward (6). (6.00).
7&8Step R forward (7), Step L next to R (&), Step R forward (8).

B2: Rockstep, Rockstep, Cross, Unwind full turn, Step, Ball step x2 with ½ turn, Hold.
1&2&Rock L forward (1), Recover onto R (&), Rock L back (2), Recover onto R (&).
3-4Cross L over R (3). Unwind full turn R, end with weight on L (4).
5&6Step R forward (5), Step L next to R (&), Turn ¼ R stepping R forward (6). (9.00)
&7-8Step L next to R (&), Turn ¼ R stepping R forward (7). Hold (8). (12.00)

B3: Walk x4, Side, Touch behind, Side, Behind, Side.
1-2-3-4Step forward L, R, L, R. At the same time: Put your L hand on your waist and make a big circle with your R arm, palm forward.
5-6Step L to L side, as you raise your both arms up and towards R side (like you are catching a ball on your R side) (5), Touch R behind L, as you bring your arms down and towards L side (like you are throwing the ball away).
7-8&Step R to R side (7), Step L behind R (8), Step R to R side (&).

B4: ½ Stepturn, ½ Shuffle turn, ¼ turn, Cross, Rockstep, Cross, ¼ turn, Side.
1-2Step L forward (1), Pivot ½ turn R (2), at the same time: raise your R hand, palm forward and put your L hand in front of you, palm towards belly (Like you’re holding a dance partner) (6.00)
3&4Turn ½ R stepping L back (3), Step R next to L (&), Step L back (4) (Continue “holding your dance-partner”) (12.00)
5-6&7Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (5) (drop your arms), Cross L over R (6), Rock R to R side (&), recover onto L (7). (3.00).
8&1Cross R over L (8), Turn ¼ R stepping L back (&), Step R to R side (1) (6.00).

B5: Knee pop, Behind, Side Cross, ¼ Toe-strut, Toe-strut.
&2Pop both knees forward (&), Step down (weight on R) (2).
3&4Step L behind R (3), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (4).
5-6Turn ¼ R stepping forward on ball of R (5), Step down on R (6), at the same time: make a “V-shape” with your R index and middle finger and drag it in front of your eyes from L to R. (9.00)
7-8Step forward on ball of L (7), Step down on L (8), at the same time: make a “V-shape” with your L index and middle finger and drag it in front of your eyes from R to L.

B6: Forward on ball x2, Back, ¼ turn, Touch, Points w/ arm, ½ turn.
&1-2Step forward on ball of R (&), Step forward on ball of L (1), Step R back (2).
3-4Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (3), Touch R next to L (4). (6.00)
5-6-7Step R to R side as you point your R index finger up and towards R (think John Travolta) (5), Point your R index finger down and towards L (6), Point your R index finger up and towards R (7)
8Turn ½ R stepping L to L side, as you bring your arm down. (12.00).

Start again!

Restart: after 16 counts in part A at wall 7. Restart with part B at 12.00.

Ending: At the end of last A part, make another ½ turn stepping R to R side (end facing 12.00) and point your R index finger up and towards R.


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