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An Old Fashioned Song

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High Beginner
Tonnie Vos (NL) - June 2016
Sing Me an Old Fashioned Song - Niamh Lynn
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Intro 8 counts dance start on lyrics “Sing Me”

R side rock cross shuffle L side rock cross shuffle
1-2step to right, recover on LF
3&4step RF across LF, step LF to left, step RF across LF
5-6step LF to left, recover on RF
7&8step LF across RF, step RF to right, step LF across RF

2X ¼ turn left cross shuffle L side rock behind side front
1-2¼ turn left (9:00), ¼ turn left (6:00)
3&4step RF across LF, step LF to left, step RF across LF
5-6step LF to left, recover on RF
7&8cross behind RF, step RF to right, step LF forward

Walk R walk L run RLR L step front R touch back L heel front R scuff
1-2walk forward, walk forward
3&4walk forward, walk forward, walk forward
5-6step forward, touch toe behind
&7step beside LF, touch heel forward
&8step beside RF, scuff forward

R jazz box side behind heel jack Touch R
1-2step RF across LF, step backwards
3-4step to right, step LF across RF
5-6step RF to right, step behind RF
&7step RF to right, touch heel diagonal to left
&8step beside RF, touch toe beside LF

Restart: Wall 2 after 28 counts

Tag Wall 1-4-7 Tag of 8 counts
Chassé cross rock back 2X
1&2step RF to right, step beside RF, step RF to right
3-4cross behind RF, recover on RF
5&6step LF to left, step beside LF, step LF to left
7-8cross behind LF, recover on LF

Tag Walls 3-6 Tag of 6 counts
Chasse cross rock back chasse
1&2step RF to right, step beside RF, step RF to right
3-4cross behind RF, recover on RF
5&6step LF to left, step beside LF, step LF to left

youtube: linedancebeauty

Last Update - 13th June 2016
Joop Lokers June 13, 2016

Vonny June 18, 2016
Funny dance. Also restarts at walls 5 and 8.

Vonny June 24, 2016
I mean no tags!

jennifer182 July 27, 2016
High beginner - does that not mean improver??

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