Phrased Intermediate
Intro : 8 counts from heavy beat, NO TAG, NO RESTART ! - SEQUENCE : AA BB AA BBB BBB
PART A (32 Counts)
Section A1: Weave, Touch, Trace Small Circle
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, step L on L, Step R behind L, touch L on L
5 6Touch L beside R, touch L on L
7 8Trace a small circle (anti-clockwise) with L toe to L side
Section A2: Weave ¼ R turn, Step Forward, Touch back 2x, Step, ¼ L turn, Step
1 2 3 4Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L behind R, ¼ R stepping R forward
5 6 &Step L forward, touch R behind L 2x
7 8Step R behind L, ¼ L step L to L side
Section A3: Cross R Hitch L, Cross L Hitch R, Forward cha cha, Rock, Recover
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, hitch L over R, Step down on L, Hitch R over L
5 & 6Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward
7 8Step L forward, Recover on R
Section A4: ¼ L Rock back on L, Recover, Forward, Sit back, Forward, Together, Head turn R then L
1 2 3 4Making a ¼ turn L, step back on L, Recover on R, Forward on L, Shift weight to R (sit)
5 6Shift weight to L, step R beside L
7 8Turn head to R then to L
PART B (32 Counts)
Section B1: Walk, walk, side, recover, kick, step (Repeat)
1 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3 & 4Step R to R side, Recover on L, R forward
5 6Step L forward, Step R forward
7 & 8Step L to L side, Recover on R, L forward
Section B2: Sailor ¼ to R, Rock Forward on L, Recover, Sailor ½ to Left, Forward, pivot ¼ to L
1 & 2Step R behind L ¼ turn to R, Recover on L, Step Forward on R
3 4Step L forward, Recover on R
5 & 6½ turn to L Stepping L behind R, R beside L, Step Forward on L
7 8Step R Forward, ¼ turn to L recovering on L
Section B3: Cross Samba (2x), pivot ¼ L (2x)
1 & 2Cross R over L, step L to L, R to R side
3 & 4Cross L over R, step R to R, L to L side
5 6 7 8Step R forward, ¼ turn to L recover on L, step forward on R, ¼ turn to L recover on L
Section B4: Cross Samba (2x), pivot ¼ L, Stomp R L
1 & 2Cross R over L, step L to L, R to R side
3 & 4Cross L over R, step R to R, L to L side
5 6 7 8Step R forward, ¼ turn to L recover on L, stomp R, stomp L
Happy Dancing !!
Contacts: -
Last Update – 9th June 2016
PART A (32 Counts)
Section A1: Weave, Touch, Trace Small Circle
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, step L on L, Step R behind L, touch L on L
5 6Touch L beside R, touch L on L
7 8Trace a small circle (anti-clockwise) with L toe to L side
Section A2: Weave ¼ R turn, Step Forward, Touch back 2x, Step, ¼ L turn, Step
1 2 3 4Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L behind R, ¼ R stepping R forward
5 6 &Step L forward, touch R behind L 2x
7 8Step R behind L, ¼ L step L to L side
Section A3: Cross R Hitch L, Cross L Hitch R, Forward cha cha, Rock, Recover
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, hitch L over R, Step down on L, Hitch R over L
5 & 6Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward
7 8Step L forward, Recover on R
Section A4: ¼ L Rock back on L, Recover, Forward, Sit back, Forward, Together, Head turn R then L
1 2 3 4Making a ¼ turn L, step back on L, Recover on R, Forward on L, Shift weight to R (sit)
5 6Shift weight to L, step R beside L
7 8Turn head to R then to L
PART B (32 Counts)
Section B1: Walk, walk, side, recover, kick, step (Repeat)
1 2Step R forward, Step L forward
3 & 4Step R to R side, Recover on L, R forward
5 6Step L forward, Step R forward
7 & 8Step L to L side, Recover on R, L forward
Section B2: Sailor ¼ to R, Rock Forward on L, Recover, Sailor ½ to Left, Forward, pivot ¼ to L
1 & 2Step R behind L ¼ turn to R, Recover on L, Step Forward on R
3 4Step L forward, Recover on R
5 & 6½ turn to L Stepping L behind R, R beside L, Step Forward on L
7 8Step R Forward, ¼ turn to L recovering on L
Section B3: Cross Samba (2x), pivot ¼ L (2x)
1 & 2Cross R over L, step L to L, R to R side
3 & 4Cross L over R, step R to R, L to L side
5 6 7 8Step R forward, ¼ turn to L recover on L, step forward on R, ¼ turn to L recover on L
Section B4: Cross Samba (2x), pivot ¼ L, Stomp R L
1 & 2Cross R over L, step L to L, R to R side
3 & 4Cross L over R, step R to R, L to L side
5 6 7 8Step R forward, ¼ turn to L recover on L, stomp R, stomp L
Happy Dancing !!
Contacts: -
Last Update – 9th June 2016