CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Happy For You

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High Intermediate waltz
EWS Winson (MY), Peggy Lwi (MY) & Ivy Low (MY) - May 2016
Stone Cold - Demi Lovato
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Intro: 24 counts in (approx. 11 sec)

#1-2 (1-12) L Forward, R Side Point with Body Torque, Hold, R Step, L Pique Full (R), L Cross Twinkle, R Cross Twinkle ½ (R)
1-3Weight on RF: Step LF forward (1), point R toes to R side and torque body slightly to L with L knee slightly bent to prepare for R turning (2), hold for 1 count (3) 12.00
4-6Step RF in place (4), make a full turn over R shoulder for 2 counts hitching LF beside RF (5-6) 12.00
Easier option for 1-6: Step LF forward (1), point R toes to R side (2), hold for 1 count (3), cross RF over LF (4), point L toes to L side (5), hold for 1 count (6)
1-3Cross LF over RF (1), rock RF to R side (2), recover weight on LF (3) 12.00
4-6Cross RF over LF (4), turn ¼ R stepping LF back (5), turn ¼ R stepping RF to R side (6) *** 6.00
Restart here on Wall 3. Begin the dance facing 6.00 o’clock.

#3-4 (13-24) L Forward, R Low Hitch & Forward Kick, R Coaster Step, L 3/8 (L) Circular Weave / Eclipse
1-3Step LF forward (1), lift up R knee at a low level (2), kick RF forward (3) 6.00
4-6Step RF back (4), step LF next to RF (5), step RF forward (6) 6.00
1-3Turn 1/8 L crossing LF over RF (1), step RF to R side (2), step LF back (3) 4.30
4-6Cross RF behind LF (4), turn ¼ L stepping LF to L side (5), step RF forward (6) 1.30

#5-6 (25-36) L Forward, 1/8 (L) with R Side Point, Hold, ¼ (R) with R Forward, ¼ (R) with L Side Point, Hold, L Cross Weave, R Side, L Drag 1/8 (R) & Touch
1-3Step LF forward (1), turn 1/8 L pointing R toes to R side (2), hold for 1 count (3) 12.00
4-6Turn ¼ R stepping RF forward (4), turn ¼ R pointing L toes to L side (5), hold for 1 count (6) 6.00
1-3Cross LF over RF (1), step RF to R side (2), cross LF behind RF (3) 6.00
4-6Step RF to R side (4), drag LF towards RF turning 1/8 R (5), touch L toes beside RF (6) – try to make this as a fluid step *** 7.30
Restart here on Wall 6. Turn your body to 1/8 L and begin the dance facing 12.00 o’clock.

#7-8 (37-48) L Feather Curve ½ (L), R Cross Twinkle ¼ (R), L Feather Curve ½ (L), R Cross Twinkle 1/8 (R)
1-3Step LF forward (1), step RF forward turning ¼ L (2), continue another ¼ L shifting weight to LF (3) 1.30
4-6Step RF forward slightly crossing over LF (4), turn ¼ R rocking LF to L side (5), recover weight on RF (6) 4.30
1-3Step LF forward (1), step RF forward turning ¼ L (2), continue another ¼ L shifting weight to LF (3) 10.30
4-6Step RF forward slightly crossing over LF (4), turn 1/8 R rocking LF to L side (5), recover weight on RF (6) 12.00

#9-10 (49-60) L Forward & R Sweep, R Forward & L Sweep, L Cross Twinkle, R Cross Unwind ¾ (L)
1-3Step LF forward (1), sweep RF from back to front for 2 counts (2-3) 12.00
4-6Step RF forward (4), sweep LF from back to front for 2 counts (5-6) 12.00
1-3Cross LF over RF (1), rock RF to R side (2), recover weight on LF (3) 12.00
4-6Cross RF over LF (4), turn ¾ L over L shoulder for 2 counts – RF is together with LF (5-6) *** 3.00
Tag : here on Wall 2 and 5, each facing 9.00 o’clock and 3.00 o’clock. Then continue on count 61.
L Forward Lunge, Hold X2, R Recover, Hold X2
1-3Press LF forward (1), hold for 2 counts (2-3)
4-6Recover weight on RF (4), hold for 2 counts (5-6)

#11-12 (61-72) L Sway, Hold, R Sway, Hold, L Back Twinkle, R Back Twinkle ¼ (R)
1-3Step LF to L side swaying to L side (1), hold for 2 counts (2-3) 3.00
4-6Sway to R side (4), hold for 2 counts (5-6) 3.00
1-3Cross LF behind RF (1), rock RF to R side (2), recover weight on LF (3) 3.00
4-6Turn ¼ R crossing RF behind LF (4), rocking LF to L side (5), recover weight on RF (6) 6.00

Ending: On Wall 7, dance until count 33 (L Cross Weave) and do the following steps, finishing at 12.00 o’clock.
Extended Weave To R, R Side Drag & L Touch
4-6Step RF to R side (4), cross LF over RF (5), step RF to R side (6)
1-3Cross LF behind RF (1), step RF to R side (2), cross LF over RF (3)
4-6Big step on RF to R side (4), drag L toes towards RF (5), touch L toes beside RF with knees slightly bent (6)

“I’m Happy For You” Ending – Hold X3, L Forward, ½ (L) with R Sweep, R Side Point
1-3Hold for 3 counts (1-3)
4The word “For” will indicate this step – Step LF forward (4)
5-6The word “You” will indicate this step – Turn ½ L sweeping RF from back to front (5), point R toes to R side (6)

Note: The above descriptions aim to help the instructors in delivering the steps smoothly.
We would strongly suggest you to just go with the flow of the music.


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