Absolute Beginner
Count in: 16 counts after the initial spoken “Stranded at the drive in, branded a fool…” (Begin on vocals “Sandy”..)
SECTION ONE: Step, ½ turn step, hold, step, ½ turn step, hold
1-2-3-4Step forward on the right, step fwd on the left making a ½ turn over right to face 06:00, step forward on the right, hold
5-6-7-8Step forward on the left, step fwd on the right making a ½ turn over left to face 12:00, step forward on the left, hold (12:00)
SECTION TWO: Jazz box cross, weave, rock recover
1-2-3-4Cross right over left, step back on the left, step right to right side, step left across right
5-6-7-8Step right to right side, step left behind right, rock right to right side, recover onto left (12:00)
SECTION THREE: Step forward, kick & clap, step forward kick & clap, walk back
1-2-3-4Step forward on the right, kick left forward and clap hands, step forward onto left, kick right forward and clap hands
5-6-7-8Step back on the right, walk back on the left, walk back on the right, walk back on the left (12:00)
SECTION FOUR: Rock back recover, step pivot ¼ turn, step touch, step touch
1-2-3-4Rock back onto the right, recover onto the left, step forward on the right making ¼ turn to 09:00, step left to left side (weight is on the left)
5-6-7-8* Step right to right side, touch left beside right, step left to left side, touch right beside left
*Note: On Wall 2: When dancing the last 4 counts of the dance on wall 2 only, slow down to match the temporary slower tempo! And SING all the way through the dance !!
Last Update - 8th May 2016
SECTION ONE: Step, ½ turn step, hold, step, ½ turn step, hold
1-2-3-4Step forward on the right, step fwd on the left making a ½ turn over right to face 06:00, step forward on the right, hold
5-6-7-8Step forward on the left, step fwd on the right making a ½ turn over left to face 12:00, step forward on the left, hold (12:00)
SECTION TWO: Jazz box cross, weave, rock recover
1-2-3-4Cross right over left, step back on the left, step right to right side, step left across right
5-6-7-8Step right to right side, step left behind right, rock right to right side, recover onto left (12:00)
SECTION THREE: Step forward, kick & clap, step forward kick & clap, walk back
1-2-3-4Step forward on the right, kick left forward and clap hands, step forward onto left, kick right forward and clap hands
5-6-7-8Step back on the right, walk back on the left, walk back on the right, walk back on the left (12:00)
SECTION FOUR: Rock back recover, step pivot ¼ turn, step touch, step touch
1-2-3-4Rock back onto the right, recover onto the left, step forward on the right making ¼ turn to 09:00, step left to left side (weight is on the left)
5-6-7-8* Step right to right side, touch left beside right, step left to left side, touch right beside left
*Note: On Wall 2: When dancing the last 4 counts of the dance on wall 2 only, slow down to match the temporary slower tempo! And SING all the way through the dance !!
Last Update - 8th May 2016