CopperKnob Stepsheets

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A Lesson In Love

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Advanced NC2S
Dee Musk (UK) & Simon Ward (AUS) - April 2016
All I Ask - Adele : (Album: 25 - iTunes)
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Notes: Dance starts on vocals, approx. 13 secs into track
Dance ends facing front wall on count 5 (L sweep)
Restart/Step Change during Walls 3 & 6, See notes.

[1-8&] R back drag L, L back, ½ turn R, L fwd, Pivot ½ R, ½ turn R, R back with sweep, L behind, R side, L twinkle, Cross/step R
1-2&Step large step back on right dragging left towards right, Step left back, Turn a ½ turn right stepping right forward 6.00
3-4&Step left forward pivoting ½ turn right, Complete ½ turn right stepping onto right 12.00, Turn ½ turn right stepping left back 6.00
5-6&Step right back sweeping left back and behind right 6.00, Step left behind right, Step right to right side 6.00
7&8&Cross/step left over right, Step right slightly to right, Step left in place, Cross/step right over left 6.00

[9-16&] L side, ¾ spiral turn R, R fwd, ½ turn R with sweep, R behind, L side, Syncopated circle
1-2Step left to left side spiral turning ¾ turn right 3.00 , Step right foot slightly forward
3-4&Make a ½ turn right stepping left back sweeping right back 9.00, Step right behind left, Step left slightly to left *Restart 1*
5&Step right forward turning 1/8 turn left 7.30, Turn a further 1/8 left cross/stepping left over right 6.00
6&Step right slightly back, Turn a further 1/8 left stepping left slightly back 4.30
7&Step right behind left, Step left slightly left
8&Step right forward starting to turn to 3.00, Cross/step left over right turning 1/8 turn left to 3.00

[17-24&] R basic, L basic, Lunge R with heel, ¾ turn right on L, R fwd, L fwd, Step R beside L
1-2&Step right to right side, Step left slightly behind right, Cross/step right over left 3.00
3-4&Step left to left side, Step right slightly behind left, Cross/step left over right 3.00
5-6Lunge right to right side touching left heel to the ground, Recover weight onto left turning a ¾ turn right hooking right under left 12.00
7-8&Step right forward, Step left slightly forward, Step right beside left 12.00

[25-32&] L back, ¼ turn R swaying R,L,R, Cross L jazz box with sweep, R behind, L side, Cross/rock R, Recover L
1-2Step left back dragging right towards left, Turn ¼ turn right stepping right to right swaying body right 3.00
3-4Step left to left swaying body left, Step right to right swaying body to right 3.00
5&6Cross/step left over right, Step right slightly to right & back, Step left slightly back sweeping right back 3.00
7&8&Step right behind left, Step left slightly to left, Cross/rock right over left, Recover weight onto left 3.00

[33-40&] R side, ¼ turn R, R back, L coaster/step cross, R basic, Rock to L, Recover R, Cross/step L, ¼ turn L
1-2Step right to right side, Pivot ¼ turn right taking weight back on left & stepping back on left 6.00 *Restart 2*
3&4&Step right slightly back, Step left back, Step right beside left, Cross/step left over right 6.00
5-6&Step right to right side, Step left slightly behind right, Cross/step right over left 6.00
7&8&Rock/step left to left side, Recover weight onto right, Cross/step left over right, Turn ¼ turn left stepping right back 3.00

[41-48&] Rock L back, Recover R, ½ turn L, Rock R back, Recover L, ¼ turn L, Rock L back, Walk R, L, Rock R fwd, Recover L
1-2&Rock/step left back, Recover weight onto right, Turn a ½ turn right stepping left back 9.00
3-4&Rock/step right back, Recover weight on left, Turn a ¼ turn left stepping right back 6.00
5Rock/step left back
6-7Walk forward right, left 6.00
8&Rock/step right forward, Recover weight on left 6.00


Step Change/Restart during Wall 3
Dance to count 4& of section 2 then replace counts 5&6&7&8& with;
5-6Step R forward to 9.00, Cross/Step L forward to 7.30.
7-8Step R back to 6.00, make a ½ turn L stepping L forward to 12.00. (These 4 counts are like a Jazzbox turning L).
(Make a ½ turn L to Restart facing 6 o’clock wall).

Step Change/Restart during Wall 6
Dance to count 2 of section 5 then replace counts 3&4& with;
3&4&Back Rock R, Recover, Forward Rock R, Recover. (Restart facing 12 o’clock wall).

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Last Update – 21st June 2016

Wolflady April 4, 2016
I love this song, and the dance is beautiful.
Well done Dee & Simon.........I just love the
emotion behind the dance......You just feel it.

Jessica πŸ­πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ April 16, 2016
Absolutely love this dance!

jordie May 11, 2016
Fabulous dance, one of the best....this dance will last the test of to stay....

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