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Tequila Lover

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Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - January 2016
Tequila Loves Me - Kenny Chesney
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#16 count intro start on the vocals,

Side Rock Recover& Side Rock Recover& Across Side Sailor
1,2&Rock/step R to right, Recover sideways onto L, Step R beside L
3,4&Rock/step L to left, Recover sideways onto R, Step L beside R
5,6Step R across L, Step L to left,
7&8Step R behind L, Step L to left, Step R to right

Behind Side Across Side Touch Side Touch Heel Jack
9&10Step L behind R, Step R to right, Step L across R
11,12Step R to right, Touch L beside R
13,14Step L to left, Touch R beside L
&15&16Step back on R, Touch L heel fwd, Step fwd on L, Touch R beside L restart here on wall 4

Rock Recover Coaster Step Pivot 1/4 Cross Shuffle
17,18Rock/step fwd on R Recover back on L
19&20Step back on R, Step L beside R, Step fwd on R
21,22Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 right transferring wt to R
23&24Cross shuffle right stepping LRL

Side Together Coaster Back Step Pivot 1/4 Cross Heel Strut and Click
25,26Step R to right, Step L beside R
27&28Step back on R, Step L beside R, Step fwd on R
29,30Step fwd on L, Pivot 1/4 right transferring wt to R
31&32Step L heel across R, Drop L foot (and click fingers of right hand if you feel so inclined)

There is a Restart on wall 4 after count 16 (the heel jack)

&13&14Step L to left, Touch R beside L, Step R to right, Touch L beside R
&15&16&Step L to left, Touch R beside L, Step back on R, Touch L heel fwd, Step fwd on L

I wrote this dance for my New Zealand workshop….
It’s an easy dance, so I am hoping that everyone will manage it ok.
The syncopated variation steps at count 13-16 speed things up a bit, but also increase the degree of difficulty… I put them in for people who may manage them.

Don’t know about you, but I love Kenny Chesney.. He always keeps it country…. And that is right up my alley and dear to my heart!
I’ve been in this industry for many years now… and on the earth for
a much longer period of time… so I’m too old to change…
and don’t want to either… so how are YOU going???? lol

See you on the floor sometime.... Jan

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