CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You've Been Faking

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Klara Wallman (SWE) - March 2016
Faking - Lucas Nord : (3:46)
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Start on vocals, 32 counts intro.

Walk, Side, Sailorstep, Big step, Cross, Hipbump.
1-2Step R forward (1), Step L to L side (2).
3&4Cross R behind L (3), Step L to L side (&), Step R to R side (4).
&5-6Step L next to R (&). Make a big step with R to R side (styling: let your heel lead the big step) (5), Cross L over R (6).
7&8Bump R hip up (7), Bump back onto L (&), Sit down on R hip (8).

¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Behind, Side, Cross, Ball-rockstep, Coasterstep.
1-2Turn ¼ L step L forward (1), Turn ¼ L step R to R side (2). (6.00)
3&4Step L behind R (3), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (4)
&5-6Step R next to L (&), Rock L forward (5), Recover onto R as you slightly pop L knee (6).
7&8Step L back (7), step R next to L (&), Step L forward (8).

Kick, Step, Kick Step, Mambostep, Ball-rockstep, ¼ Turn, Behind, Side.
1&2&Kick R forward (1), Step R forward (&), Kick L forward (2), Step L forward (&).
3&4Rock R forward (3), Recover onto L (&), Step R back (4).
&5-6Step L next to R (&), Rock R back (5), Recover onto L (6).
7-8&Turn ¼ L Step R to R side (7), Step L behind R (8), Step R to R side (&). (3.00)

Rockstep, Rockstep, ¼ Turn, Behind, ¼ Turn, Stepturn.
1-2Rock L forward (1), Recover onto R (2).
3-4Rock L back (Styling: look over your L shoulder) (3), Recover onto R (4).
5-6-7Turn ¼ R step L to L side (5), Step R behind L (6), Turn ¼ L step L forward (7). (9.00)
8&Step R forward (8), Pivot ½ L (&). (9.00).

Start again!


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