CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Oh So Funny

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Tina Argyle (UK) - February 2016
Easy Money - Brad Paisley : (Album: Time Well Wasted)
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Music available as single download from iTunes (from Time Well Wasted Album)

Count In : 32 counts from main beat - start dancing with lyrics.

S1: R Side Behind & Cross Side, Rock Back, Recover, Kick & Cross
1 - 2Step right to right side, Cross left behind right
&3-4Step right to right side, Cross left over right, Step right to right side
5 - 6Rock back left facing left diagonal, recover weight onto right
7 &8Kick left to left diagonal, Step down left, Cross right over left

S2: L Side Behind & Cross Side, Rock Back, Recover, Kick Ball Step To Diagonal
1 - 2Step left to left side, straightening up to 12 o'clock, Cross right behind left
&3-4Step left to left side, Cross right over left, Step left to left side
5 - 6Rock back right facing right diagonal, recover weight onto left
7 &8Kick right to right diagonal, Step down right, Step fwd right to top right corner

S3: R Rocking Chair To Diagonal. ½ Pivot Turn Shuffle Fwd
1 - 2Rock fwd right towards corner, recover weight onto left
3 - 4Rock back right, recover weight onto left
5 - 6Step fwd right make ½ pivot turn to opposite corner, transferring weight onto left
7 &8Step fwd right, close left at side of right, step fwd right (you are now facing 6 o' clock top right corner)

S4: L Rocking Chair To Diagonal. 1/8 Pivot Turn Cross Shuffle
1 - 2Rock fwd left towards corner, recover weight onto right
3 - 4Rock back left, recover weight onto right
5 - 6Rock left to left side, make 1/8 turn recovering weight onto right (9 o'clock)
7 &8Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right
**** Re – Start here during wall 5 facing 9 o'clock wall ****

S5: R Vine ¼ Turn, ½ Pivot Turn, Slow Lock Step Fwd.
1 - 2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3Make ¼ turn right stepping fwd right (12 o'clock)
4 - 5Step fwd left, make ½ pivot turn right onto right (6 o'clock)
6 - 8Step fwd left, lock right behind left, step fwd left
(start to bring right leg round anti-clockwise as you step fwd left)

S6: Cross Side Sailor Step. Cross Side Sailor ¼ Turn.
1 - 2Cross right over left, step left to left side
3 &4Cross right behind left, rock left to left side, recover onto right
5 - 6Cross left over right, step right to right side
7 &8Cross left behind right aking ¼ turn left, rock right to right side, recover onto left

S7: Walk, Walk, Kick Ball Change. Walk, Walk, Kick Ball Change
1 - 2Step fwd right, step fwd left
3 &4Kick right, step down right, step left in place ( done on the spot)
5 - 6Step fwd right, step fwd left
7& 8Kick right, step down right, step left in place ( done on the spot)

S8: R Rocking Chair. 2 x ½ Pivot Turns
1 - 2Rock fwd right, recover onto left
3 - 4Rock back right, recover onto left
5 - 6Step fwd right, make ½ pivot turn onto left (9 o'clock)
7 - 8Step fwd right, make ½ pivot turn onto left (3 o'clock)


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