CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You Don't Own Me

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Phrased Advanced
Helen Conroy (IRE) & Megan Conroy (IRE) - February 2016
Pattern A.B. C.C. B.C.C .A.A. C.C. C.C. A.B
Please refer to video regarding music tempo

A-32 counts
Section A1: (1-8) Right touch, left coaster, right lunge, right drag.
1,2Facing into left diagonal step right forward, touch Left toe behind R
3&4Step left back, ¼ right stepping back on right, step forward on L
5,6Right lunge forward into right diagonal, hold,
7,8Replace weight back onto left, drag right beside L

Section A2: (9-16) Right short weave, left side step, right side point, hold, ¼ step right, ¾ turn right, left side point, hold.
1&2Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right in front of L 3&4 Step left to left side, point right to right side, hold.
5,6¼ turn right stepping onto right, ¾ turn right
7,8Point left to left side, hold.

Section A3: (17-24) Left short weave, right step touch, left back step, right sweep back, right short weave.
1&2Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left in front of R
3,4Right step forward into right diagonal, left toe touch behind R
5,6Step back on left, sweep right around behind L
7&8step right behind left, step left to left side, step right in front of L.

Section A4: (25-32) ¼ turn left with a left reverse twinkle step, ¼ turn left with a right reverse twinkle step, ¼ turn left with a left reverse twinkle step, ¼ turn left with a back right rock step, recover.
1&2¼ turn left stepping left behind right, step right to R side, step left to L side
3&4¼ left stepping right behind left, step right to R side, step left to L side,
5&6¼ left stepping left behind right, step right to R side, step left to L side,
7,8¼ left stepping back on right, step forward on left.

B-20 counts-slow tempo
Section B1: (1-8) Forward right and left cross points X2 with finger clicks
1,2Forward cross step right over left, point left to L side/click
3,4Forward cross step left over right, point right to R side/click
5,6,7,8Repeat counts 1-4 of section 1.

Section B2: (9-16) Backward right and left cross points X2 with finger clicks
1,2Back cross step right behind left, point left to L side/click
3,4Back cross step left behind right, point right to R side/click
5,6,7,8Repeat counts 1-4 of section 2.

Section B3: (17-20) Right and left side sways X2
1,2,3,4Step right to right side swaying hips right left right left.

C-24 counts-waltz tempo
Section C1: (1-6) Forward left and right sweeps, forward right and point, left short weave, left back rock, full triple turn right, right short weave and ¼ left, forward right sweep.
1,2,3Step forward on right, sweep left in front of right
4,5,6Step forward on left, sweep right in front of left.

Section C2: (7-12)
1,2,3Step forward on right, point left to left side, hold
4,5,6Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left in front of R

Section C3: (13-18)
1,2,3Step right to right side, rock back on left, replace weight onto right
4,5,6Triple full right turn stepping L,R,L and moving to the left.

Section C4: (19-24)
1,2,3Step right behind left, step left to left side, ¼ left stepping forward R
4,5,6Step forward on left, sweep right in front of left.

End Of Dance


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