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Time After Time

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Advanced Contemporary / WCS
Simon Ward (AUS) - January 2016
Time After Time - Eva Cassidy : (Album: Time After Time, iTunes)
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Notes: Dance starts on vocals, approx. 11secs intro.

Restart on Wall 4 on count 16.
End dance on count 23 facing front wall. Styling is soft and smooth, hitting the (a) counts with the chorus

[1-8] Cross/step L, Hold & drag, R Scissor step fwd turning 1/8 L, L fwd, R fwd, L fwd, Pivot 1/8 R, Cross/step L
1-2Cross step left over right turning body slightly right, Hold and drag right towards left 12.00
3&4Step right to right side, Step left beside right turning 1/8 turn left, Step right slightly forward 10.30
5-6Step left forward, Step right forward 10.30
7&8Step left forward, Pivot 1/8 turn right taking weight onto right, Cross/step left over right 12.00

[9-16] R back, 3/8 turn L, R shuffle fwd, L Mambo, Rock R back, Recover L
1-2Step right back turning 1/8 turn left 10.30, Turn ¼ turn left & step left forward 7.30
3&4Step right forward, Step left beside right, Step right forward 7.30
5&6Rock/step left forward, Recover weight back on right, Step left back 7.30
a7-8Rock right back, Hold slightly looking over right shoulder, Recover weight onto left 7.30
(Optional: 7-8 Rock/step right back slightly looking over shoulder, Rock/recover left forward)

[17-24] 3/8 turn L with seep, Weave R, Cross/step R, ¾ turn R, Lunge L fwd, Step R back
1Step right slightly forward turning 3/8 turn left sweeping left foot back 3.00
2&3Step left behind right, Step right slightly to right side, Cross/step left over right 3.00
4Cross/step right over left 3.00
5&Turn ¼ turn right stepping left back 6.00, Turn ½ turn right stepping right forward 12.00,
6Lunge ball of left forward 12.00
7-8Step right back, Step left back

[25-31] L back, ¼ turn R, Point L, ¾ turn L with sweep, Weave R, turn 1/8 R & Rock R fwd, Recover L pointing toe
&1Turn a ¼ turn right stepping right slightly to right, Point left toe to left side 3.00
2-3Turn ¼ turn left stepping left slightly forward 12.00, Turn a further ½ turn left stepping right back sweeping left foot back 6.00
4&5Step left behind right, Step right slightly to right, Cross/step left over right 6.00
6 a 7Turn 1/8 turn right rocking right forward 7.30, Recover on left pointing right toe forward and off the ground, Hold 7.30
(Optional: 7-8 Turn 1/8 turn right rocking right forward, Recover on left point right toe forward and off the ground)

[32-40] Weave L turning 1/8 L, Turn 1/8 L & shuffle L fwd, R fwd, Rock L fwd, Recover R, L back dragging R
8&1Step right behind left, Turn 1/8 turn left stepping left to left, Cross/step right over left 6.00
2&3Turn 1/8 turn left stepping left forward, Step right beside left, Step left forward 4.30
4Step right forward 4.30
5-6Rock left forward rolling body forward, Recover weight back on right rolling body back 4.30
7-8Step left back dragging right back, Continue dragging right 4.30

[41-48] R beside L, L back, Rock R back, Recover L, Cross/step R, L scissor step, ¼ L R out, L out, ¼ L, Step L
&1Step right beside left, Step left slightly back 4.30
2-3Rock/step right back, Recover weight onto left 4.30
4Turn 1/8 turn right cross/stepping right over left 6.00
5&6Step left to left side, Step right next to left, Cross/step left over right 6.00
7&Turn sharp ¼ turn left stepping right slightly back at right diagonal, Step left slightly to left side 3.00 (up on toes)
8&Step right back and behind left turning ¼ turn left, Step left slightly to left side 12.00

[49-56] Cross/step R, Rock L fwd, Recover R, L behind, Rock R to R, Recover L, Cross/step R spiral 1 ½ turns R
1Cross/step right over left facing left diagonal 10.30
2-3Rock/step left forward facing diagonal, Recover weight back on right 10.30
4-5Step left behind while straightening up to 12.00 wall, Rock/step right to right side 12.00
6-7Recover weight onto left, Cross/step right over left and start 1½ spiral turn left on right foot
8Continue 1½ spiral turn left on right foot 6.00 (left foot stays slightly cross in front during the spiral turn)


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End of Wall 1 – Facing Back Wall
1-2Cross/rock left over right, Recover weight onto right
3-4Rock left to left side, recover weight onto right

End of Wall 2 – Facing Front Wall
1-2Hold for an additional 2 counts when spiral turn is completed, restart with vocals

End of Wall 5 – Facing Back Wall
1-2Hold for an additional 2 counts when spiral turn is completed, restart with vocals

Restart (**):
Wall 4 – Facing Front Wall
(After Left Mambo Step) Substitute counts a15-16 with:
&7-8Step right slightly back, Step left back dragging right towards left, Recover weight forward onto right


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