CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Eddie Morrison (SCO) - January 2016
Clyde - Drew McAlister
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#16 Count Intro

Section 1: Heel strut back rock side touch point. Sailor ¼ turn step lock step.
1 &Step right on right heel lower right toe.
2 &Rock left behind right recover on right
3 & 4Step left to the side, Touch right beside left, point right to the right side.
5 & 6Cross right behind left, making 1/4 turn right, step left to left side, step right to the side.
7 & 8Step forward on left lock right behind left step forward on left.

Section 2: Step ½ turn step, Step ¾ turn cross. Heel ball step, rocking chair.
1 & 2Step forward on right making ½ turn left step forward on right.
3 & 4Step 3/4 turn step ( stepping slightly to the right diagonal)** R1
5 &6Dig right heel forward, step ball of right beside left, step forward on left.
7 & 8 &Rock forward on right, recover on left, rock back on right recover on left.

Section 3: Step ¼ turn cross, rock & cross, rock & cross, mambo touch.
1 & 2Step forward on right making ¼ turn left, cross right over left.
3 & 4Side rock on left recover on right cross left over right.
5 & 6Side rock on right recover on left cross right over left.
7 & 8Rock forward on left recover on right, touch left beside right.

Section 4: Back rock heel ball step pivot ½ turn, shuffle forward , rock & cross
1 & 2Rock back on left recover on right, dig left heel forward.
& 3 - 4Step ball of left beside right , step forward on right pivot ½ turn left
5 & 6Step forward on right, step left beside right, step forward on right.
7 & 8Rock left to the side, recover on right, cross left over right. ** R 2 & 3

Section 5: Mambo touch
1 & 2Rock forward on right recover on left, touch right beside left.

Restart 1: Wall 4 : After Count 4 Section 2
Restart 2: Wall 7 : After Count 8 Section 4
Restart 3: Wall 8: After Count 8 Section 4

Tag 1: End of Wall 6
Step touch, step touch.
1 – 2Step right to the side touch left beside right.
3 - 4Step left to the side touch right beside left.

Tag 2: End of Wall 9
Step touch, step touch, rock recover.
1 – 2Step right to the side touch left beside right.
3 - 4Step left to the side touch right beside left
5 –6Rock right to the side, recover on left.

Ending: Replace steps 1 & 2 Section 5 with rock ¼ turn left.


Last Update - 25th Jan 2016
Edwin January 25, 2016
Slight change to Section 2 Counts 3 & 4 It should have read Step 3/4 turn step ( stepping slightly to the right diagonal)

ell January 25, 2016
Looks good Eddie, cant wait to try it out.

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