CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Kayla Cosgrove (USA) - January 2015
#32 Count Intro

S1: Modified Apple Jacks (Single, Single, Double Pattern)
1&2&3&4&Swivel right toes to right, and left heel to right(1)(making a “V” with your feet) Swivel right toes back to center and left heel back to center(&)(be sure to transfer the weight here) Swivel left toes to left, and left heel to left(2) Swivel left toes back to center and left heel back to center(&) Swivel right toes to right, and left heel to right(3) Swivel right toes back to center and left heel back to center(&) Swivel right toes to right, and left heel to right(4) Swivel right toes back to center and left heel back to center(&)
5&6&7&8Swivel left toes to left, and right heel to left(5) Swivel left toes back to center and left heel back to center(&) Swivel right toes to right, and left heel to right(6) Swivel right toes back to center and left heel back to center(&) Swivel left toes to left, and right heel to left(7) Swivel left toes back to center and left heel back to center(&) Swivel left toes to left, and right heel to left(8)
Note: 8 Count ends on an applejack with weight on ball of the right, and on the heel of left. Facing 12’ O’clock

S2: Ball Step, Step, Heel Pumps 1/8 Left X2, Step, Hitch With (Optional) Cross Knee Slap, Step, Rock Recover With Chest Pump.
&1,2, 3&4Quickly step down fully onto left foot(&) Walk forward right(1) Walk forward left(2) pump R heel as you make and 1/8 turn L(3) bring R knee up as you make 1/8 turn L(&) pump R heel to R side(4)
5&6, 7&8Step right forward(5) Hitch left knee up; using your right hand coming across your body, slap the inside of the right knee(&) Step left down and slightly forward(6) Rock right forward bringing both arms up to shoulder height, palms down(7) Pump chest forward keeping your arms at shoulder height and bringing the arms slight back(&) Recover weight back on left as you push your arms forward to complete the chest pump(8) Facing 9 o’clock

S3: Back Shuffle, ¼ Rock Recover Sways, Deep Hips Sway Left, Right, Double Hip Bumps Right
1&2,3,4Step back on R(1) Bring L foot together(&) Step R back(2) Making a ¼ turn left, step left foot out to left side and sway hips to the left(3) recover weight to right as you sway hips to right(4)
5,6,7&8Feet should be a little wider than shoulder width apart. Bending the knees, dip slightly down as you sway hips to the left(5) Bending the knees, dip slightly down as you sway hips to the right(6) Sitting into left foot bump hips on a slight downward angle(7) Bump hips up(&) Bump hips back down(8) Facing 6 o’clock

S4: Ball Cross Step, Step Side, Sailor Step, Cross Shuffle, Step Forward ¼ Left, ¼ Left With Hitch
&1,2,3&4Quickly step down on right(&) Cross left over right(1) Step right to right side(2) Cross left foot behind right(3) Step right out to right side(&) Step left out to left side opening up to the left angle(4)
5&6,7,8Cross right over left(5) Quickly step on ball of left(&) Cross right over left(6) Make a ¼ turn left stepping left forward(7) Hitch right knee up as you make another ¼ left(8) Facing 12 o’clock
Tag-Start Here Count(8) Make ¼ Turn Left Stepping or Stomping feet close together for Applejacks.

S5: Side Body Roll, Toe Dig, Ball Step, Step, Kick Out, Out
1,2,3&4Body roll down to the right (1) as you step slightly out to the right sitting down into the right leg(2) Swivel L heel up and out to L(&) swivel L heel down and in(3) swivel L heel up and out to L(&) swivel L heel down and in(4)
&5,6,7&8Quickly step down on left(&) Walk forward right(5) Walk forward left(6) Kick right forward(7) step right slightly out to right(&) Step left slightly out to left(8) Feet should be a little wider than shoulder width apart. Facing 12 o’clock

S6: Body Roll Down, Toes Heels Toes, Switches
1,2,3&4With weight on both feet, Body roll back. Start by bringing the head up, followed by the chest, push your hips slightly forward as you bring the head and chest down, then give a slight bend in the knees to sit into the end of the body roll(1,2) Bring both toes in(3) Bring both heels in(&) Bring both toes in(4)
5&6&7&8Touch right toes to right side(5) Quickly bring right in and switch weight to right(&) point left toes to left side(6) Quickly bring left in and switch weight to left(&) Hitch right knee up(7) step down on right foot(&) Point left toes back(8) Facing 12 O’clock

S7: Hitch Ball Point, Hitch Point Side, ½ Left, Left Shuffle, Cross Right Behind
1&2, 3&4Hitch Left knee up(1) Step down on left foot(&) Point right toes back(2) Hitch right knee up(3) Step down on right foot(&) Point left toes side(4)
5, 6&7, 8Hitch left knee up and make a half turn over the left shoulder keeping the weight on the ball of the right foot(5) Step left to left side(6) Bring right together(&) Step left to left side(7) Cross right behind left(8) Facing 6 O’clock

S8: & Cross Heel Grind ¼ Back Left, Coaster Step, 1 ¼ Turn Left, Step or Stomp
&1,23&4Quickly step left to left side(&) Cross right heel over left(1) With weight on right heel, twist right toes to right side as you step left foot back to make a ¼ turn right(2) Step right foot back(3) Bring left foot together(&) Step right foot forward(4)
5,6,7&8Step left foot forward(5) Make ½ turn left stepping back on right(6) Make a ½ left stepping forward on left(7) Make a ¼ left by keeping the weight on the ball of your left foot and bringing the right foot in for a stomp(8) Facing 6 O’clock

TAG-START: Wall:5 Dance the all the way through the first 32 counts. Omitting right hitch step on count 32 you will instead step or stomp down on the right foot to start the dance again from the beginning with applejacks.
You are still making the ¼ turn left. The only thing that changes is the hitch.

Ending: You will dance the dance through one more time. The last 8 count, step forward for count 5, Step Right forward for 6 and spiral turn a ¾ turn over left to end the dance facing the front of the room, left leg crossed over right



Last Update - 21st Aug 2016
Curls February 24, 2016
I love this dance & would love to see a tutorial.

Kayla July 30, 2017
There were a few videos done but I've been getting a lot of requests for one done by me, so here we go!!!

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