CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157868
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Phrased Intermediate
Michael Metzger (USA) - December 2015
Focus - Ariana Grande
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Seq: A, B, A, A, B, A, Tag1 , A, B, Tag2, A, A

Section A – 32 counts
A[1-8] Kick Ball Step, Rock, Recover, Step Back with Shoulder Pops, Shuffle Back, Coaster
1&2Kick R forward, Step R down, Step L forward
&3&4Rock R forward, Recover L back, Pop right shoulder up and left shoulder down while hitching R next to left knee, Step R back and pop left shoulder up and right shoulder down
5&6Shuffle back L, R, L
7&8Step R back, Step L together, Step R forward

A[9-16] Skater Step x4, Pivot Turn, Double Time Pivot Turn with ¼ Turn and Point
1, 2Slide L forward and to the left, Slide R forward and to the right
3, 4Slide L forward and to the left, Slide R forward and to the right
5, 6Step forward on L, Pivot ½ to right and shift weight to R (6:00)
7&8Step forward on L, Pivot ½ to right and shift weight to R (12:00), Turn ¼ to right and point L to the side (3:00)

A[17-24] Cross, Back, Together, Cross, Back, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Heel Touch
1&2Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L together
&3&4Cross R over L, Step L back, Turn ¼ right and step R to side (6:00), Turn ¼ right and step L forward (9:00)
5&6Rock R to side, Recover to L, Cross R over L
&7&8Step L to side, Cross R behind L, Step L to side, Tap R heel to side and slightly forward

A[25-32] Step Together, Cross, Side, ¼ Turn left and Cross, Step Back, Coaster Step, Spin Forward
1, 2Bring R in and step together, Cross L over R
3&4Step R to side, Turn ¼ left and cross L over R (lock step) (6:00), Step R back
5&6Step L back, Step R together, Step L forward
7, 8Turn ½ left and step R back (12:00), Turn ½ left and step L forward (6:00) (This is a good place for double or triple spins.)

Section B – 32 counts
B[1-8] Rock, Recover, Step Back with ¼ Turn and Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Point, Cross, Point
1, 2Rock R forward, Recover back on L
3Step back on R with ¼ turn left and sweep L foot around (9:00)
4&5Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
6, 7, 8Point R to side, Cross R over L, Point L to side

B[9-16] Rock, Recover, Step Back with ¼ Turn and Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Point, Cross, Point
1, 2Rock L forward, Recover back on R
3Step back on L with ¼ turn right and sweep R foot around (12:00)
4&5Cross R behind L, Step L to side, Cross R over L
6, 7, 8Point L to side, Cross L over R, Point R to side

B[17-24] Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Shuffle Step, Step Forward, Touch Forward on Diagonal, Step Back, Touch Back on Diagonal
1, 2Rock forward on R, Recover back on L
3&4¼ Turn right and step R to side (3:00), Step L together, ¼ Turn right and step R forward (6:00)
5, 6Step L forward, Touch R heel forward and slightly to the right
7, 8Step R back, Touch L toe back and slightly to the left

B[25-32] Cross, Side, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Behind, Side, Point Across With Fingers Pointing at Toe!
1, 2Cross L over R, Step R to side
3&4Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
5, 6Rock R to side, Recover to L
7&8Cross R behind L, Step L to side, Point R toe across L while pointing with both hands at your R toe

Tag 1 (when Ariana Grande says, “1, 2, 3…”)
Jazz box
1, 2Cross R over L, Step L Back
3, 4Step R back, Step L forward

Tag 2 (when Ariana Grande hits her high note!)
Step to Side, Point Cross Behind, Step to Side, Point Across With Fingers Pointing at Toe
1, 2Step R to side, Cross point L behind R
3, 4Step L to side, Point R toe across L while pointing with both hands at your R toe

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Last Update – 17th Jan. 2016

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