Start on Vocals
Sec 1: Walk forward, kick, side, side, right knee roll with 2x heel taps, left knee roll, right knee roll.
1 - 2Walk forward R, L.
3&4Kick right foot forward, step right to the side, step left to the side.
&5 - 6Using the ball of the right foot roll right knee in and around to right, tap right heel twice.
7 - 8Roll left knee in and around to the left, Roll right knee in and around to right. [12]
Sec 2: Cross rock, recover, 1/4 turn left shuffle forward, pivot 1/2 turn left. shuffle forward,
1 - 2Rock left foot across right, recover back onto right.
3&4Make a 1/4 turn left and shuffle forward L, R, L.
5 - 6Step right foot forward, 1/2 turn left, (weight ends on left).
7&8Shuffle forward R, L, R. [3]
Sec 3: 3/4 turn right, cross rock, ball cross, hold, ball cross x2.
1 - 2Make a 1/2 turn right with left foot ending back, 1/4 turn right with right foot ending to the side.
3 - 4Rock left foot across right, recover back onto right.
&5 - 6Step ball of left to the side, step right across left, hold.
&7&8Step ball of left to the side, step right across left, step ball of left to the side, step right across left. [12]
Sec 4: Side rock recover, behind, side, cross, side rock recover, close into side rock recover.
1 - 2Rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right.
3&4Step left behind right, step right foot to the side, step left across right.
5 - 6Rock right foot out to the side, recover onto left.
&7 - 8Close right to left, rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right. [12]
Sec 5: Sailor step x2 (moving back), step back, 1/2 turn left, pivot 1/2 turn left.
1&2Cross left behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot to the side (moving slightly back).
3&4Cross right behind left, step left foot to the left side, step right foot to the side (moving slightly back).
5 - 6Step left foot back and behind right, unwind ½ turn to left (weight ends on left).
7 - 8Step right foot forward, make a 1/2 turn left, (weight ends on left). [12]
Sec 6: Step, side point, step across, hitch turn, step across, side, behind, side point.
1 - 2Step right foot forward, point left foot to the side as you angle body to right diagonal.
3 - 4Step left foot forward across right (facing right diagonal), hitch right knee as you turn to face left diagonal.
5 - 6Step right foot forward across left (facing right diagonal), step left foot to the side (now facing 12 o clock).
7 - 8Step right foot back behind left, point left foot to the side as you angle body to right diagonal. [1.30]
Sec 7: Step across, side, heel jack, close into forward rock recover x2
1 - 2Step left foot forward across (still facing right diagonal), step right foot to the side, (now facing 12oclock)
3&4Step left foot back behind right, step right to the side & slightly back, touch left heel diagonally forward left.
&5 - 6Making an 1/8th of turn left close left to right, rock right foot forward, recover back onto left.
&7 - 8Close right foot to left, rock left foot forward, recover back onto right. [9]
Sec 8: Shuffle back, rock back, recover, step forward, side point, kick, close side, point.
1&2Shuffle back L, R, L
3 - 4Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left.
5 - 6Step right foot forward, point left to the side
7&8Kick left foot forward, close left next to right point right to the side.
Restarts :-
#2nd repetition of the dance
After count 8 of section 4 quickly close left foot to right as follows you will be facing 9 'o clock
&7 - 8&Close right to left. rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right, close left to right. (restart)
#6th repetition of the dance
After count 8 of section 7 quickly close left foot to right as follows you will be facing 9 'o clock
&7 - 8&Close right foot to left, rock left foot forward, recover back onto right, close left to right. (restart)
To end the dance facing front cross right over left and unwind 1/2 turn to left
Sec 1: Walk forward, kick, side, side, right knee roll with 2x heel taps, left knee roll, right knee roll.
1 - 2Walk forward R, L.
3&4Kick right foot forward, step right to the side, step left to the side.
&5 - 6Using the ball of the right foot roll right knee in and around to right, tap right heel twice.
7 - 8Roll left knee in and around to the left, Roll right knee in and around to right. [12]
Sec 2: Cross rock, recover, 1/4 turn left shuffle forward, pivot 1/2 turn left. shuffle forward,
1 - 2Rock left foot across right, recover back onto right.
3&4Make a 1/4 turn left and shuffle forward L, R, L.
5 - 6Step right foot forward, 1/2 turn left, (weight ends on left).
7&8Shuffle forward R, L, R. [3]
Sec 3: 3/4 turn right, cross rock, ball cross, hold, ball cross x2.
1 - 2Make a 1/2 turn right with left foot ending back, 1/4 turn right with right foot ending to the side.
3 - 4Rock left foot across right, recover back onto right.
&5 - 6Step ball of left to the side, step right across left, hold.
&7&8Step ball of left to the side, step right across left, step ball of left to the side, step right across left. [12]
Sec 4: Side rock recover, behind, side, cross, side rock recover, close into side rock recover.
1 - 2Rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right.
3&4Step left behind right, step right foot to the side, step left across right.
5 - 6Rock right foot out to the side, recover onto left.
&7 - 8Close right to left, rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right. [12]
Sec 5: Sailor step x2 (moving back), step back, 1/2 turn left, pivot 1/2 turn left.
1&2Cross left behind right, step right foot to right side, step left foot to the side (moving slightly back).
3&4Cross right behind left, step left foot to the left side, step right foot to the side (moving slightly back).
5 - 6Step left foot back and behind right, unwind ½ turn to left (weight ends on left).
7 - 8Step right foot forward, make a 1/2 turn left, (weight ends on left). [12]
Sec 6: Step, side point, step across, hitch turn, step across, side, behind, side point.
1 - 2Step right foot forward, point left foot to the side as you angle body to right diagonal.
3 - 4Step left foot forward across right (facing right diagonal), hitch right knee as you turn to face left diagonal.
5 - 6Step right foot forward across left (facing right diagonal), step left foot to the side (now facing 12 o clock).
7 - 8Step right foot back behind left, point left foot to the side as you angle body to right diagonal. [1.30]
Sec 7: Step across, side, heel jack, close into forward rock recover x2
1 - 2Step left foot forward across (still facing right diagonal), step right foot to the side, (now facing 12oclock)
3&4Step left foot back behind right, step right to the side & slightly back, touch left heel diagonally forward left.
&5 - 6Making an 1/8th of turn left close left to right, rock right foot forward, recover back onto left.
&7 - 8Close right foot to left, rock left foot forward, recover back onto right. [9]
Sec 8: Shuffle back, rock back, recover, step forward, side point, kick, close side, point.
1&2Shuffle back L, R, L
3 - 4Rock right foot back, recover forward onto left.
5 - 6Step right foot forward, point left to the side
7&8Kick left foot forward, close left next to right point right to the side.
Restarts :-
#2nd repetition of the dance
After count 8 of section 4 quickly close left foot to right as follows you will be facing 9 'o clock
&7 - 8&Close right to left. rock left foot out to the left side, recover onto right, close left to right. (restart)
#6th repetition of the dance
After count 8 of section 7 quickly close left foot to right as follows you will be facing 9 'o clock
&7 - 8&Close right foot to left, rock left foot forward, recover back onto right, close left to right. (restart)
To end the dance facing front cross right over left and unwind 1/2 turn to left