#24 count intro
Step, together, shuffle, cross/rock, recover, turn ¼ shuffle
1-2Step fwd R (right diag), step L beside R
3&4Shuffle fwd (right diag) R L R
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover R
7&8Turn ¼ left shuffle fwd L R L -9:00
Rock, recover, turn ½ shuffle, rock, recover, coaster
1-2Rock fwd R, recover L
3&4Turn ½ right shuffle fwd R L R -3:00
5-6Rock fwd L, recover R
7&8Step back L, step R together with L, step fwd L
Kick & point, kick & point, touch & touch & stomp clap clap
1&2Kick R, step down R, point L to left side
3&4Kick L, step down L, point R to right side
5&6&Touch fwd R, step R beside L, touch fwd L, step L beside R
7&8Stomp fwd R, hold clap clap
**Restart here on Wall 3 – see note below on added count
Rock, recover, turn ½ shuffle, hip bumps fwd R & L
1-2Rock fwd L, recover R
3&4Turn ½ left shuffle L R L -9:00
5&6Step fwd R bump hips R L R
7&8Step fwd L bump hips L R L
****Restart here on Wall 6
Step, kick, step, touch, turn ½ shuffle, turn ¼ shuffle
1-4Step fwd R, kick fwd L, step back L, touch back R
5&6Turn ½ left shuffle R L R-3:00
7&8Turn ¼ left shuffle L R L - 12:00
Cross, point, cross, point, cross, side, behind, turn ¼
1-4Cross R over L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side
5-6Cross R over L, step L to left side
7-8Step R behind L, turn ¼ left step fwd L -9:00
Two (2) Restarts in the dance:
**Wall 3 starts at 24 counts, add an ‘&’ count as follows and Restart facing 9:00
7&8&Stomp fwd R, hold clap clap, step L beside R
****Wall 6 starts at 32 counts and Restart dance from beginning (facing 12:00)
Ending: Wall 8 starts at 30 counts (thru hip bumps R L R), then add
Step fwd L, pivot ½ right..... to face!
Last Update - 24th Nov' 2015
Step, together, shuffle, cross/rock, recover, turn ¼ shuffle
1-2Step fwd R (right diag), step L beside R
3&4Shuffle fwd (right diag) R L R
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover R
7&8Turn ¼ left shuffle fwd L R L -9:00
Rock, recover, turn ½ shuffle, rock, recover, coaster
1-2Rock fwd R, recover L
3&4Turn ½ right shuffle fwd R L R -3:00
5-6Rock fwd L, recover R
7&8Step back L, step R together with L, step fwd L
Kick & point, kick & point, touch & touch & stomp clap clap
1&2Kick R, step down R, point L to left side
3&4Kick L, step down L, point R to right side
5&6&Touch fwd R, step R beside L, touch fwd L, step L beside R
7&8Stomp fwd R, hold clap clap
**Restart here on Wall 3 – see note below on added count
Rock, recover, turn ½ shuffle, hip bumps fwd R & L
1-2Rock fwd L, recover R
3&4Turn ½ left shuffle L R L -9:00
5&6Step fwd R bump hips R L R
7&8Step fwd L bump hips L R L
****Restart here on Wall 6
Step, kick, step, touch, turn ½ shuffle, turn ¼ shuffle
1-4Step fwd R, kick fwd L, step back L, touch back R
5&6Turn ½ left shuffle R L R-3:00
7&8Turn ¼ left shuffle L R L - 12:00
Cross, point, cross, point, cross, side, behind, turn ¼
1-4Cross R over L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side
5-6Cross R over L, step L to left side
7-8Step R behind L, turn ¼ left step fwd L -9:00
Two (2) Restarts in the dance:
**Wall 3 starts at 24 counts, add an ‘&’ count as follows and Restart facing 9:00
7&8&Stomp fwd R, hold clap clap, step L beside R
****Wall 6 starts at 32 counts and Restart dance from beginning (facing 12:00)
Ending: Wall 8 starts at 30 counts (thru hip bumps R L R), then add
Step fwd L, pivot ½ right..... to face!
Last Update - 24th Nov' 2015