前奏: Start dance 12 counts into the song
(at the start of the lyrics) 12拍後唱歌起跳
第一段 |
L Twinkle Step, R Twinkle With A ½
Turn R 左華士步, 右華士步右轉1/2 |
1-3 左Twinkle |
Cross L over R, step R to R, step L to L 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足左踏 |
4-6 交叉 轉 右 |
Cross R over L, ½ turn to the right and step back on L, step R to R (6:00) 右足於左足前交叉踏, 右轉180度左足後踏, 右足右踏 |
第二段 |
SWEEP ¼ TURN L 左踏, 回復, 左點, 左踏, 左繞轉1/4 |
1-3 踏 回復 點 |
Press L forward, Recover R, Touch L to R 左足前踏, 右足回復, 左足併點 |
4-6 踏 繞轉 |
Step L forward, Sweep R around into a ¼ turn to the left for 2 counts (3:00) 左足前踏, 右足以2拍繞轉90度(面向3點鐘) |
第三段 |
Cross R Over L, Syncopated Weave,
Cross R Over L, Syncopated Weave 右足於左足前交叉, 變奏藤步, 右足於左足前交叉, 變奏藤步 |
1,2&3 交叉 藤步 |
Cross R over L, Step L to L, Step R behind L, Step L to L 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足左踏, 右足於左足後踏, 左足左踏 |
4,5&6 交叉 藤步 |
Cross R over L, Step L to L, Step R behind L, Step L to L (3:00) 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足左踏, 右足於左足後踏, 左足左踏(面向3點鐘) |
第四段 |
Rock R, Recover, Step R, Sweep ½ Turn
R 右下沉回復, 右踏, 右繞轉1/2 |
1-3 交叉回復 右 |
Cross R over L, Recover L, Step R to R 右足於左足前交叉下沉, 左足回復, 右足右踏 |
4-6 轉180 |
Sweep L into a ½ turn to the right for 3 counts (9:00) 左足以3拍右繞轉180度(面向9點鐘) |
*RESTART here on wall 4
– change sweep to a ¾ turn to the right ending up at the 6:00 wall for a
restart on the back wall 第四面牆跳至此, 改右轉270度面向6點鐘即後面牆從頭起跳 |
第五段 |
Jazz Box With ¼ Turn L, Jazz Box With ¼ Turn L 左轉90度爵士方塊, 左轉90度爵士方塊 |
1-3 交叉 90 後 |
Cross L over R, Step R back into ¼ turn to the left, Step L back 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足後踏左轉90度, 左足後踏 |
4-6 後 90 前 |
Step R back, Step L to L into a ¼ turn to the left, Step R forward (3:00) 右足後踏, 左足左踏左轉90度, 右足前踏(面向3點鐘) |
第六段 |
Make 3/4 Turn Walk Around To The Left 以走步左轉270度 |
1-3 走走走 |
Step L into 1/8 turn L, Step R into 1/8 turn L, Step L into a 1/8 turn L
左足踏左轉45度, 右足踏左轉45度, 左足踏左轉45度 |
4-6 走走走 |
Step R into 1/8 turn L, Step L into 1/8 turn L, Step R into a 1/8 turn L
(6:00) 右足踏左轉45度, 左足踏左轉45度, 右足踏左轉45度(面向6點鐘) |
第七段 |
Step L, Rock R, Recover L, Step R, Rock L, Recover R 左踏, 右下沉, 左回復, 右踏, 左下沉, 右回復 |
1-3 左 下沉回復 |
Step L to L, Rock R behind L, Recover L 左足左踏, 右足於左足後下沉, 左足回復 |
4-6 右 下沉回復 |
Step R to R, Rock L behind R, Recover R (6:00) 右足右踏, 左足於右足後下沉, 右足回復(面向6點鐘) |
第八段 |
Step L, Cross R Behind L, Full Turn Unwind Ronde 左踏, 右於左後交叉, 轉圈 |
1-3 左 交叉 候 |
Step L to L, Cross R behind L, Hold 左足左踏, 右足於左足後交叉踏, 候 |
4-6 Full Turn |
Unwind full turn to the R finishing with a Ronde to start the dance over
(6:00) 右繞轉圈(面向6點鐘) |