CopperKnob Stepsheets

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There Goes My First Love

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Lauren Turner (UK) - October 2015
There Goes My First Love by The Indians Irish Showband.
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Start on count 8 of main vocal “There goes my”

Section 1. Rock back, fwd shuffle, rock fwd. Coaster Cross
1 2Rock back on right, Left in place
3&4Shuffle fwd. right, left, right
5 6Rock fwd on left, Right in place
7&8Step back left Step right together, step left t across right.

Section 2. step Right, Left-Triple ¼ turn ,, Step left fwd- ¼ turn Right, Rock left,1/4 turn left
1 2Step right, left behind
3&4Triple ¼ turn- right ,left, right (3 o’clock)
5 6Step forward on left, ¼ turn right onto right foot (6 o’clock)
7 8Cross left over right, .Step back onto right , turn¼ left (3o’clock)

Section 3 Triple 1/2 turn- cross Right- point left -cross left point-right-Right Kick ball change
1&2Triple half turn, over left shoulder - Left,right,left (9 o’clock)
3-4Cross right over left, point left
5-6Cross left over right, point right
7&8Right kick ball change.

Section 4. Step Rt-hold & left to Rt &step right hold - & Step left next to right,Step fwd Rt.1/4 turn. Cross Right over Left.
1 2Step right to side. hold
& 3 4Bring left foot next to right. Step right. Hold.
&5 6Step left foot next to right. Step fwd. on right. ¼ turn to left (6 o’clock)
7 8Cross Right over left- Step left.



Amigos October 27, 2015
Very nice dance from Lauren-Dusty Boots, great music too. We met Lauren and her friends in Spain last week,learning Lauren`s new dance. Thanks Lauren we enjoyed it so we taught it at our class on return to UK. Showcasing it for Lauren. Thanks to Babs & Ernie too
Mick & Carol xxx Keep dancing !

Rebel Rousers January 7, 2016
Great Dance to a Fantastic up-beat track.
Being danced in lots of clubs- give it A try!

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