前奏: Introduction: 32 Counts 32拍後起跳
第一段 |
Step, Hold, Sweep, Hold – Sweep
Behind, Side, Cross, Hold 踏 候 繞 候, 後 旁 前 候 |
1–4 |
R step forward; Hold; Sweep L from back to front; Hold 右足前踏, 候, 左足由後繞至前, 候 |
5–8 |
Sweep left from front to back stepping L behind right; Step R side
right; Step L in front of right; Hold 左足由前繞至右足後踏, 右足右踏, 左足於右足前踏, 候 |
第二段 |
Ochos In Place – “Stalking” Rock
Steps In Place (Do Not Travel) 昂頭原地交叉步, 下沉 回復 |
1–2 |
R step over L (body facing left diagonal); Hold 右足於左足前交叉踏(身體面向左斜角), 候 |
3–4 |
L step over R (body facing right diagonal); Hold 左足於右足前交叉踏(身體面向右斜角), 候 |
5–6 |
Rock/Step onto R over left (body facing left diagonal); Rock/Return back
onto L in place 右足於左足前交叉下沉(身體面向左斜角), 左足回復 |
7–8 |
Return weight onto R in place; Hold
重心回右足, 候 |
第三段 |
Corte, Hold, ¼ Turn, Hold – Forward,
½ Left, Step Back, Flick 蹲, 候, 1/4 候, 踏 轉 後踏 勾 |
1–2 |
L step side left with bent left knee (pointing R toe/leg side right);
Hold 左足左踏彎左膝(右足趾右點), 候 |
3–4 |
Turn ¼ right stepping onto R in place; Hold 3 o’clock 右轉90度右足踏, 候(面向3點鐘) |
5–8 |
L step forward; Turn ½ left stepping back on R; L step back; Flick R
foot over left lower shin [9 o’clock] 左足前踏, 左轉180度右足後踏, 左足後踏, 右足於左小腿前勾(面向9點鐘) |
第四段 |
Step, Flick, Step, Flick – Forward, ¼
Right, ¼ Right, Tango Drag 踏 抬 踏 勾, 踏 1/4 1/4 探戈拖併 |
1–4 |
R rock/step forward; Flick L foot towards back of right ankle; Return
weight to L; Flick R foot across left shin 右足前下沉, 左足於右足踝後抬, 重心回左足, 右足於左小腿前勾 |
5–8 |
R step forward; Turn ¼ right, step L side left; Turn ¼ right, step R
side right; Draw L towards right [3 o’clock] 右足前踏, 右轉90度左足左踏, 右轉90度右足右踏, 左足拖併(面向3點鐘) |
第五段 |
Jazz Box – Cross, Full Turn Left 爵士方塊, 交叉, 左轉圈 |
1–4 |
L step forward (to left diagonal); R step over in front of left; Step
back on L; R step side right 左足前踏(面向左斜角), 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足後踏, 右足右踏 |
5–8 |
L step in front of right; Turn ¼ left, step back on R; Turn ½ left, step
forward on L; Turn ¼ left, step R side right 左足於右足前交叉踏, 左轉90度右足後踏, 左轉180度左足前踏, 左轉90度右足右踏 |
第六段 |
(&) Point Hold, (&) Point Hold – (&) Rock
Back, Replace ¼ Left, Tango Close 交叉 點 候, 併
點 候, 併 後下沉 1/4回復, 探戈併踏 |
&1,2 |
(&) L step in front of R; (1) Point R toe side right; (2) Hold 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足趾右點, 候 |
&3,4 |
(&) R step next to L; (3) Point L toe side left; (4) Hold 右足併踏, 左足趾左點, 候 |
&5-8 |
(&) L step next to R; R rock/step back; Replace into ¼ turn left
onto L; R step side right; L close next to R 左足併踏, 右足後下沉, 左轉90度左足踏, 右足右踏, 左足併踏 |
第七段 |
Step Side Right, Hold, Rock Behind, Replace – Repeat
Left 右踏, 候, 後下沉 回復---左足重覆做 |
1–4 |
R step side right; Hold; Rock/step L behind right; Replace weight onto R
in place 右足右踏, 候, 左足於右足後下沉, 右足回復 |
5–8 |
L step side left; Hold; Rock/step R behind left; Replace weight onto L
in place 左足左踏, 候, 右足於左足後下沉, 左足回復 |
第八段 |
Step, 2 Ct. Full ‘Spiral’
Left Turn, Step – Rock, Replace, ½ Turn
Step 踏, 轉 轉, 踏, 下沉
回復 轉 踏 |
1–4 |
(1) R step forward; On ball of R foot execute a slow full turn left for
counts 2,3; (4) L step forward 右足前踏, 重心在右足以2拍左轉圈, 左足前踏 |
Easy 簡易版 |
no turn option: R step forward; Hold; L step forward: Hold (不轉圈)右足前踏, 候, 左足前踏, 候 |
5–8 |
R rock/step forward; L recover/step back; Turn 1/2 right stepping R
forward; Step L forward [6 o’clock] 右足前下沉, 左足回復, 右轉180度右足前踏, 左足前踏(面向6點鐘) |
16 ct. TAG: At the END of the 2nd rotation you will be facing the
12 o’clock wall. 第二面牆結束面向12點鐘時, 加16拍 |
Forward, Hold, Forward, Hold – Step ,Turn, Step, Hold 踏 候 踏 候, 踏 轉 踏 候 |
1–4 |
R step forward; Hold; L step forward; Hold 右足前踏, 候, 左足前踏, 候 |
5–8 |
R step forward; Turn ½ left, taking wt. onto L; R step forward; Hold [12
o’clock] 右足前踏, 左轉180度重心在左足, 右足前踏, 候(12點鐘) |
Forward, Hold, Forward, Hold – Step, Turn, Step, Hold 踏 候 踏 候, 踏 轉 踏 候 |
1–4 |
L step forward; Hold; R step forward; Hold 左足前踏, 候, 右足前踏, 候 |
5–8 |
L step forward; Turn ½ right , taking wt. onto R; L step forward; Hold [6
o’clock] 左足前踏, 右轉180度重心在右足, 左足前踏, 候(6點鐘) |