CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ain't It The Truth

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Eddie Morrison (SCO) - August 2015
Ain't It the Truth - The Honeycutters
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Intro: Start on vocals 16 counts after drum sequence

Section 1: Sweep touch point, Sailor ¼ right. – Sweep touch point, Sailor ½ left.
1 -2Sweep right over left touch right in front of left. Point right to the right side.
3&4Cross right behind left making ¼ turn right, step left to the side, step right forward.
5–6Sweep left over right touch left in front of right. Point left to the left side.
7&8Cross left behind right making ½ turn left, step right to the side, step left forward.

Section 2: Step lock step lock step. Rock recover back lock back.
1 -2Step forward on right, lock left behind right
3&4Step forward on right lock left behind right step forward on right.
5-6Rock forward on left recover on right
7&8Step back on left lock right over, left step back on left

Section 3: Touch back ¼ turn right, Cross and cross. Side rock recover behind side cross
1-2Touch right toe back making a ¼ turn right.
3&4Cross left over right step right to the side cross left over right.
5-6Rock right to the side recover on left,
7&8Step right behind left step left to the side, cross right over left.

Section 4: Side rock recover side close side. Step ¼ turn kick ball step.
1 -2Rock left to the side recover on right
3&4Step left to the side step right beside left step left to the side.
5-6Step forward on right make ¼ turn left
7&8Kick right forward step right next to left step forward on left.

Restarts *** Wall 3, 6 o’clock and Wall 6, 12 o’clock Section 4 after count 4

Tag: 8 Count Tag - Wall 8: 6 o’clock.
1,2, 3&4Right Rock recover shuffle ½ turn right
5,6,7&8Left Rock recover shuffle ½ turn left

Ending Replace steps 7&8 in section 3 with a sailor 1/4 turn right to finish dance.
7&8Cross left behind right making ¼ turn right, step right to the side, step left forward

Last Update - 4th Sept 2015
Edwin August 21, 2015
Addition to script.
Ending Replace steps 3&4 in section 4 with a sailor 1/4 turn right to finish dance.
3&4 Cross left behind right making ¼ turn right, step right to the side, step left forward

Edwin August 26, 2015
SORRY I made a mistake in the ending it should be.
Replace steps 7&8 section 3 with a sailor 1/4 turn right to finish.
7&8 Cross right behind left making ¼ turn right, step left to the side, step right forward.

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