CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Come and Get It

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A.A.J.D (UK) - August 2015
Come and Get It - John Newman
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S1: Rock, Recover, Lock, Rock, Recover, Lock (towards corners)
1, 2Rock forward right, Recover onto left.
3 & 4Step forward right, Lock left behind right, Step forward right.
5, 6Rock forward left, Recover onto right.
7 & 8Step forward left, Lock right behind left, Step forward left.
(Pop right shoulder down when you rock, pop right shoulder up when you recover. Also pop right knee up when you recover. Do the same on the left.)

S2: Cross, Back, Side Shuffle, Cross, Side, ¼ Sailor.
1, 2Cross right over left, Step back on left.
3 & 4Step right to right side, Step left next to right, Step right to right side.
5, 6Cross left over right, Step right to right side.
7 & 8Cross left behind right, 1/4 left stepping right next to left, Step left forward.

S3: Skate, Skate, ¼ Shuffle. Cross Rock, Side, Cross, Side.
1, 2Skate right forward, Skate left forward.
3 & 4Make ¼ turn left stepping right forward, Step left next to right, Step right to right side.
5 & 6Cross rock left over right, Recover onto right, Step left to left side.
7, 8Cross right over left, Step left to left side.

S4: Behind, ¼, Step, ¼ Shuffle, ½ Shuffle, Cross Shuffle.
1 & 2Step right behind left, Make ¼ turn stepping left forward, Step forward right.
3 & 4Make ¼ turn left stepping back on left, Step right next to left, Step left to left side.
5 & 6Make ½ hinge turn right stepping right to right side, Step left next to right, Step right to right side.
7 & 8Step left across right, Step right to right side, Step left across right.

S5: Rock, Recover x3 (with shoulder & knee pops) , Lock. (heading towards the corners)
1, 2Rock right forward, Recover onto left.
3, 4Rock right forward, Recover onto left.
5, 6Rock right forward, Recover onto left.
7 & 8Step forward on right, Lock left behind right, Step forward on right.
(Pop right shoulder down when you rock, pop right shoulder up when you recover. Also pop right knee up when you recover)

S6: Rock, Recover x3 (with shoulder & knee pops) , Lock. (heading towards the corners)
1, 2Rock left forward, Recover onto right.
3, 4Rock left forward, Recover onto right.
5, 6Rock left forward, Recover onto right.
7 & 8Step forward on left, Lock right behind left, Step forward on left.
(Pop left shoulder down when you rock, pop left shoulder up when you recover. Also pop left knee up when you recover)

S7: Rock, Recover x3 (with shoulder & knee pops) , Lock. (heading towards the corners)
1, 2Rock right forward, Recover onto left.
3, 4Rock right forward, Recover onto left.
5, 6Rock right forward, Recover onto left.
7 & 8Step forward on right, Lock left behind right, Step forward on right.
(Pop right shoulder down when you rock, pop right shoulder up when you recover. Also pop right knee up when you recover)

S8: Rock, Recover, Coaster, Point Switches, & Step, & Swivel
1, 2Rock left forward, Recover onto right.
3 & 4Step back left, Step right next to left, Step forward left.
5 &Point right to right side, Step right next to left
6 &Point left to left side, Step left next to right.
7 & 8Stomp right forward, Swivel both heels right, Swivel both heels back to place. (weight ends on left)

Tags – Walls 2 and 5 after count 32
Step, ½ pivot, Step, ½ Pivot (with clicks)
1, 2Step forward right, Make ½ turn left taking weight on left.
3, 4Step forward right, Make ½ turn left taking weight on left.
Restart – Wall 4, 6 and 7 after count 32

End – Wall 8 replace ¼ sailor for a ½ sailor to finish facing the front

Smile & Enjoy


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