前奏: Start after 16 count intro on vocals
第一段 |
R Cross Rock Side, L Cross Rock ¼ L,
¾ L Turn & R Side, L Cross Rock Side 右交叉下沉踏, 左交叉下沉左轉1/4, 左轉3/4右踏, 左交叉下沉踏 |
1&2 交叉曼波 |
Cross rock R over L, recover weight on L, step R side 右足於左足前交叉下沉, 左足回復, 右足右踏 |
3&4 交叉曼波轉 |
Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R, turning ¼ left step L
forward 左足於右足前交叉下沉, 右足回復, 左轉90度左足前踏 |
5&6 踏轉90 |
Step R forward, pivot ½ left, turning ¼ left step R side (12
o’clock) 右足前踏, 左轉180度, 左轉90度右足右踏(面向12點鐘) |
7&8 交叉曼波 |
Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R, step L side 左足於右足前交叉下沉, 右足回復, 左足左踏 |
第二段 |
Weave L 2, Syncopated Weave With
Hitch Turning ¼ R, L Fwd Shuffle, R Chase Turn 左二步藤步, 變奏藤步抬右轉1/4, 左前交換, 右轉追步 |
1-2 交叉 踏 |
Cross step R over L, step L side 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足左踏 |
3& 交叉踏 |
Cross step R behind L, step L side 右足於左足後交叉踏, 左足左踏 |
4& 交叉抬轉 |
Cross step R over L, hitch L up turning ¼ right 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足抬右轉90度 |
5&6 前交換 |
Step L forward, step R together, step L forward (or lock step) 左足前踏, 右足併踏, 左足前踏 |
7&8 踏轉踏 |
Step R forward, pivot ½ left, step R forward (9 o’clock) 右足前踏, 左轉180度, 右足前踏(面向9點鐘) |
第三段 |
L & R Fwd Hip Bumps, L Fwd Mambo,
R Back Mambo 左前推臀, 右前推臀, 左前曼波, 右後曼波 |
1&2 前推臀 |
Stepping L forward bump hips L/R/L 左足前踏推臀-左, 右, 左 |
3&4 前推臀 |
Stepping R forward bump hips R/L/R 右足前踏推臀-右, 左, 右 |
5&6 前曼波 |
Rock L forward, recover weight on R, step L back 左足前下沉, 右足回復, 左足後踏 |
7&8 後曼波 |
Rock R back, recover weight on L, step R forward (9 o’clock) 右足後下沉, 左足回復, 右足前踏(面向9點鐘) |
第四段 |
L Side Rock & Recover Into R
Meringue With Flick, R Cross Step, L Back, ½ R Coaster Step, L Fwd On L
Diagonal 左下沉回復 重覆併右踏最後帶抬, 右交叉, 左後, 右1/2海岸, 左斜前 |
1& 下沉回復 |
Rock L side, recover weight on R
左足左下沉, 右足回復 |
2& 併 踏 |
Step L together, step R side
左足併踏, 右足右踏 |
3& 併 踏 |
Step L together, step R side
左足併踏, 右足右踏 |
4 併抬 |
Step L together & flick R back 左足併踏右足後抬 |
5-6 交叉 踏 |
Cross step R over L, step L back
右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足後踏 |
7& 轉併 |
Sweeping R ½ right step R back, step L together 右足繞轉180度右足後踏, 左足併踏 |
8& 併踏 |
Step R together, step L slightly forward on L diagonal (3 o’clock) 右足併踏, 左足略向斜角線前踏(面向3點鐘) |
the END of EVER 2nd wall (AFTER wall 2, 4, 6 & 8) ADD the
following 16 count tag and then begin the dance again from the beginning.
Also note the dance will finish with the tag. 在偶數面牆(第二,四,六,八面牆)加下面16拍後再從頭起跳, 舞曲會結束在這16拍 |
第一段 |
Walk fwd R & L, R chase turn, walk fwd L & R, L
chase turn 前走-右&左, 右轉追步, 前走-左&右, 左轉追步 |
1-2 走走 |
Step R forward, step L forward 右足前踏, 左足前踏 |
3&4 踏轉踏 |
Step R forward, pivot ½ left, step R forward 右足前踏, 左轉180度, 右足前踏 |
5-6 走走 |
Step L forward, step R forward 左足前踏, 右足前踏 |
7&8 踏轉踏 |
Step L forward, pivot ½ right, step L forward 左足前踏, 右轉180度, 左足前踏 |
第二段 |
R full paddle turn, L full paddle turn 右划槳轉圈, 左划槳轉圈 |
1&2&3&4& 右轉圈 |
Over the next 4 counts execute a full turn R 以划槳步右轉圈 |
5&6&7&8& 左轉圈 |
Over the next 4 counts execute a full turn L 以划槳步左轉圈 |