CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Crimson Desire

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Advanced waltz
Adrian Churm (UK) - July 2015
Something In Red - Lorrie Morgan
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** (Dedicated to Janine)

Sec1: Forward basic, back basic.
1 – 3Step left foot forward, close right next to left, step left foot in place.
4 – 6Step Right foot back, close left next to left, step right foot in place.

Sec2: Monterey ½ turn right.
1 – 3Step left foot forward, point right foot out to the right side, hold.
4 – 6Make a ½ turn right as right closes to left, point left foot out to the left side. hold.

Sec3: Step forward, raise leg forward, ½ turn right (foot ends in towards shin) kick forward.
1 – 3Step left foot forward, raise right leg forward over 2 counts.
4 – 6½ turn right as you bring right foot in toward to left shin, kick right forward over 2 counts.

Sec4: Coaster step, crossing twinkle
1 – 3Step right foot back, close left to right, small step forward right.
4 – 6Step left foot forward across right, step right to the side, step left to the side (turn slightly left).

Sec5: Crossing twinkle (face corner 1.30) Start Diamond basic ¼ turn left (face corner 10.30).
1 – 3Step right foot forward across left, step left to the side, step right to the side turning right to face corner (1.30)
4 – 6Step left foot forward, ¼ turn left stepping right to the side, close left next to right. (facing 10.30).

Sec6: Back basic ¼ turn left (face corner 7.30) forward basic ¼ turn left ( face corner 5.30
completing Diamond Basic.)
1 – 3Step right foot back, ¼ turn left stepping left to the side, close right next to left. (facing 7.30).
4 – 6Step left foot forward, ¼ turn left stepping right to the side, close left next to right. (facing 5.30).

Sec7: Back basic 1/8 turn left (face 9 o'clock), step point.
1 – 3Step right foot back, 1/8 turn left stepping left foot to the side, close right next to left (face 9'oclock).
4 – 6Step left foot forward, point right out to the side, hold.

Sec8: Touch right behind left, ½ turn right, sweep ¼ turn right, weave left.
1 – 3Touch right behind left, ½ turn right (weight on left), ¼ turn right sweeping right out to the side.
4 – 6Step right foot behind left, step left to the side, step right across left. (now facing 12 'o'clock).

Sec9: Long step to the left, draw in, rolling vine to the right.
1 – 3Long step to the left side, allow right to draw in for 2 counts (no weight).
4 – 6Make a full turn to the right side (R,L,R) ending with right foot to the side.

Sec10: Crossing twinkle, ½ turn right.
1 – 3Step left foot forward across right, step right to the side, step left to the side.
4 – 6Step right across left, ¼ turn right step left foot back, ¼ turn right step right foot to the side.

Sec11: Crossing twinkle, ½ turn right.
1 – 3Step left foot forward across right, step right to the side, step left to the side.
4 – 6Step right across left, ¼ turn right step left foot back, ¼ turn right step right foot to the side.
(12 o'clock)

Sec12: Crossing twinkle making ¼ turn left, Crossing twinkle.
1 – 3Step left foot forward across right, step right to the side, ¼ turn left step left forward.
4 – 6Step right foot forward across left, step left to the side, step right to the side. (9 o'clock)

Sec13: Weave to right, long step to right, draw in.
1 – 3Step left foot across right, step right foot to the side, step left behind right.
4 – 6Long step to the right side, allow left to draw in for 2 counts (no weight). (9 o'clock)

Sec14: Side Left with sway, draw in, side right with sway, draw in
1 – 3Step left foot to the side with body sway, allow right to draw in for 2 counts.
4 – 6Step right foot to the side with body sway, allow left to draw in for 2 counts. (9 o'clock)

Sec15: ¼ turn left, full turn left moving forward, step point, hold
1 – 3¼ turn left step left foot forward, ½ turn left step right back, ½ turn left step left forward.
4 – 6Step right foot forward, point left foot out to the side, hold. (6 o'clock)

Sec16: Step back, sweep behind x 2
1 – 3Step left foot back & behind right, sweep right out and around to back
4 – 6Step right foot back & behind left, sweep left out and around to finish touching next to right.

Sec17: Step forward, point right foot forward, hold, step back, draw in.
1 – 3Step left foot forward, point right foot forward, hold
4 – 6Step right foot back, draw left foot in for 2 counts (no weight) (6 o'clock)

Start Again.

Tags. One easy tag at the end of the 4th repetition of the dance (you will be facing 12 o'clock)
1 – 3Step left foot forward, close right to left, hold

Ending to face the front. On the 6th repetition of the dance ( 6 o'clock) after count 3 of section 4
1 – 3Step left foot forward, point right foot to the side, hold
4 – 6Slowly make a ½ turn around to the right ending with right foot forward

Happy Dancing x

Special thank you to Maureen Rowell for proof reading the dance x

Janet July 14, 2015
Great demo!

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