CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Intermediate
Carol Cotherman (USA) - July 2015
Crushin' It - Brad Paisley
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#32 count intro

Touch, Swivel, Swivel, Coaster Step, Triple Step, Step, ¼ Turn
1&2-3&4Touch/stomp right ball forward with knee bent, swivel right heel to right, swivel right heel to center (weight remains on left for counts 1&2), step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
5&6-7-8Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward, step right forward, ¼ turn left taking weight to left (9:00)

Syncopated Crossing Heel Stomps, Rock, Recover, Coaster Step, Triple Step
1&2&3-4Touch/stomp right heel across left, step right in place, touch/stomp left heel across right, step left in place, rock right forward, recover to left
5&6-7&8Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward, step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward (**Restart point for Walls 3 & 8.)

Step, ¼ Turn, Crossing Triple, ½ Hinge Turn, Cross, Side
1-2-3&4Step right forward, ¼ turn left taking weight to left, step right across left, step left to side, step right across left (6:00)
5-6-7-8¼ Turn right stepping left back, ¼ turn right stepping right to side, step left across right , step right to side (12:00)

Behind, ¼ Turn, Step, ½ Turn, Triple Step, Full Turn
1-2-3-4Step left behind right (bend knees for a dip), ¼ turn right stepping right forward (straighten knees), step left forward, ½ turn right taking weight to right (9:00)
5&6-7-8Step left forward, step right beside left, step left forward (prep for left turn), ½ turn left stepping right back, ½ turn left stepping left forward

Non-turning option for counts 7-8: Walk, Walk (Step right forward, step left forward)


Restarts: After 16 counts on Wall 3 facing 3:00 & Wall 8 facing 12:00

Ending: Final wall starts facing 12:00. Dance the first 8 counts.
Add 2 counts: ¼ right heel grind (back to 12:00). That’s your final “crush”!

NOTE**: Counts 1&2 and 9&10& are the “Crushin’ It” steps.
Emphasize these steps when Brad sings “Crushin’ It”.


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