CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Darren Bailey (UK) & Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - June 2015
Gold - Andreya Triana
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Intro - Start on the Lyric 'Knows' after about 11 secs

Walk x2 (R,L), R Mambo Forward, Walk Back x2 (L,R), L Coaster Touch.
1-2Step forward on Rf, Step forward on Lf
3&4Rock forward on Rf, Recover onto Lf, Step back on Rf
5-6Step back on Lf, Step back on Rf
7&8&Step back on Lf, close Rf next to Lf, Point Lf to L side, Close Lf next to Rf

Switches, R, Forward, Step forward, Twist and Slide, L Sailor, Syncopated Weave.
1&2&Point Rf to R side, Close Rf next to Lf, Touch Lf forward, Close Lf next to Rf
3&4Step forward on Rf, swivel both heels R making a 1/4 turn L, Pushing of Lf take a big step to R with Rf
5&6Cross Lf behind Rf, Step Rf to R side, Step Lf to L side
7&8&Cross Rf behind Lf, Step Lf to L side, Cross Rf over Lf, Step Lf to L side

Sweep x2, R Sailor1/2 turn, Push step L with Flick, Walk x2 (R,L).
1-2Step back on Rf sweeping Lf from front to back, Step back on Lf sweeping Rf from front to back
3&4Step back on Rf, make a 1/4 turn R and step Lf next to Rf, make 1/4 turn R and step forward on Rf
5&6Rock forward on Lf, Push back onto Rf, Push forward onto Lf flicking Rf up behind you
7-8Step forward on Rf, Step forward on LF

Ball, Cross, Step R, Ball, Cross, Step L, Full turning Square (R,L,R,L).
&1-2Step Rf slightly forward, Turn body to face L diagonal and cross Lf over Rf, Turn body to face forward and step forward on Rf
&3-4Step f slightly forward, Turn body to face R diagonal and cross Rf over Lf, Turn body to face forward and step forward on Lf
5-6Make a 1/4 L and step back on Rf, Make a 1/4 turn L and step Lf forward
7-8Make a 1/4 L and step back on Rf, Make a 1/4 turn L and step Lf forward

Tag: 16 Counts (After wall 6 facing the back).
Note: The timing of the tag is slower than the rest of the dance, so be prepared to slow down.
1-2Step Rf to R side, Cross Lf behind
3-4Take a big step to the R with Rf, Drag Lf toward Rf
5-6Make a 1/4 turn L and step Lf forward, Make a 1/2 turn L and step Rf back
7-8Make a 1/4 turn L and take a big step L with Lf, drag Rf towards Lf
Hands:(On count &8 reach up R hand and glad the air, pull the hand down in front of you.)

1-2Rock forward on Rf, recover onto Lf
(as you rock forward and recover you can body roll from top to bottom)
3-4Rock back on Rf, recover onto Lf
5-6Step forward on Rf, make a 1/2 turn Pivot L
7-8Make a 1/2 turn L and touch Rf to R side, Hold
Hands:(On counts 7-8 Slowly raise hand up in front of you with palm facing to L)

At end of 2nd time through the Tag you will hear a piano note, Shake the hand bringing it down slowly in front of you.
You start the dance again on the lyrics 'Gold'.


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