CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Jo Kinser (UK), John Kinser (UK), Ruben Luna (USA) & Sobrielo Philip Gene (SG) - May 2015
Fun (feat. Chris Brown) - Pitbull : (iTunes)
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Start the dance 32 counts in on the vocals (0.21).
Sequence ABB-Tag-A C ABB-Tag-A C ABB-Tag-A C Tag-AA

Part A – 16 counts
A[1-8] Mambo Fwd, Mambo Back, Rocking Chair, Run RLR
1&2Rock R fwd, Recover weight L, Step R next to L
3&4Rock L back, Recover weight R, Step L next to R
5&6&Rock R fwd, Recover weight L, Rock R back, Recover weight L
7&8Fun fwd RLR

A[9-16] Step L Fwd, 1/2 Turn Left, L Coaster Step, Rock 1/4 Turn, Triple 3/4 - Point Right
1,2Step L fwd, Make 1/2 turn left stepping R back (6:00)
3&4Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd
5,6Rock R to right, Make 1/4 left stepping L fwd
7&8Make a triple 3/4 turn left in place stepping R, L, Point R to right (6:00)

Part B – 16 counts
B[1-8] R Rock Step & Step L, Hold, Fwd Bounce X3 1/2 L
1,2&Rock R fwd, Recover weight L, Step R next to L
3,4Step L fwd, Hold
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, Make 1/2 turn left while bouncing on you heels X3 (weight L) (12:00)

B[9-16] Switch R&L&R Hold, Chug 1/4 L
1&2Point R to right, Step R next to left, Point L to left
&3,4Step L next to R, Point R to right, Hold
5&6&Rock R to right, Recover weight L X2 doing a 1/8 turn left (11:30)
7&8&Rock R to right, Recover weight L X2 doing a 1/8 turn left (9:00)

Part C – 32 counts
C[1-8] C Bump Fwd, Mambo Step, Touch, 1/4 Turn, L Cross & Cross
1&2Step ball of R foot fwd pushing R hip Up, Recover weight L as the hip drops, Recover weight R
3&4Rock L fwd, Recover weight R, Step L back
5,6Touch R toe back, Make 1/4 turn right weight R
7&8Cross L over right, Step R to right, Cross L over right (9:00)

C[9-16] R Rock, Weave to L, Hinge 1/2 Turn R, Step Together – Knees Pop
1,2Rock R to right, Recover weight L
3&4Step R bhd left, Step L to left, Cross R in front of left
5,6Make 1/4 turn right stepping L back, Make 1/4 turn right stepping R to right (3:00)
7&8Step L next to right, Open/Pop knees Out, Close knees together

C[17-24] Body Roll L, & 1/4 Turn Touch, Hip Circle R, Hip Circle L
1,2Step L to left - Starting a body roll to the left (weight L)
&3,4Step R next L, Make 1/4 turn left stepping L fwd, Touch R next to left (12:00)
5,6Touch R to right, Circle your Hips back and to the right (weight R)
7,8Circle your Hips back and to the left (weight L)

C[25-32] Side, Sailor 1/4 Turn, Pivot 1/2, 1/4 Rock & Cross, Side
1,2&3Step R to right, Make 1/4 left stepping L bhd right, Step R to right, Step L fwd
4,5Step R fwd, Pivot 1/2 turn left (weight L)
6&7,8Make 1/4 turn left Rocking R to right, Recover weight L, Cross R over left, Step L to left (12:00)

Tag: 4 Counts Sassy Snaps
Snap right fingers doing a ‘Z’ shape taking up 4 counts
Tag happens always after part B and once after the 3rd Part C

Keep Dancin!

*3ConCrew (05/15)
Jo & John Kinser:
Ruben Luna:
Philip Sobrielo:

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