#8 count intro, approx 30 secs
Section 1: Heel switches, clap. Triple step, back rock
1&2&tap R heel fwd, step R in place, tap L heel fwd, step L in place,
3-4tap R heel fwd, clap
5&6step back on R, step L beside R, step back on R
7-8rock back on L, recover on R
Section 2: Full turn, step turn ¼, step turn ½, triple step fwd
1-2turn ½ R step back on L, turn ½ R step fwd on R
3-4step fwd on L, turn ¼ R
5-6step fwd on L, turn ½ R
7&8step fwd on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L
Section 3: Rock and cross, chasse ¼, step turn 1/4, cross back heel
1&2rock R to R side, recover on L, cross R over L
3&4step L to L side, step R beside L, turn ¼ L step fwd on L
5-6step fwd on R, turn ¼ L
7&8cross R over L, step back on L, tap R heel fwd
Restart wall 9
Section 4: Hip bumps, coaster step, triple turn ½, sailor step with heel
1-2bump R hip fwd, bump L hip back
3&4step back R, L beside R, step fwd on R
5&6turn ¼ R step L to L side, step R beside L, turn ¼ R step back on L
7&8step R behind L, step L to L side, tap R heel fwd
Tag 1 + 2 on end of wall 2
Tag 2 on end of wall 11
Tag 1 on end of wall 12
Tag 1(8 counts):
Back rock, triple turn 1/4, heel switches
1-2rock back on R, recover on L
3&4step fwd on R, step L beside R, turn ¼ R step fwd on R
5&6&tap L heel fwd, step L in place, tap R heel fwd, step R in place,
7&8tap L heel fwd, step L in place, tap R heel fwd
Tag 2(4 counts):
1-2-3-4Hold or stomps
Section 1: Heel switches, clap. Triple step, back rock
1&2&tap R heel fwd, step R in place, tap L heel fwd, step L in place,
3-4tap R heel fwd, clap
5&6step back on R, step L beside R, step back on R
7-8rock back on L, recover on R
Section 2: Full turn, step turn ¼, step turn ½, triple step fwd
1-2turn ½ R step back on L, turn ½ R step fwd on R
3-4step fwd on L, turn ¼ R
5-6step fwd on L, turn ½ R
7&8step fwd on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L
Section 3: Rock and cross, chasse ¼, step turn 1/4, cross back heel
1&2rock R to R side, recover on L, cross R over L
3&4step L to L side, step R beside L, turn ¼ L step fwd on L
5-6step fwd on R, turn ¼ L
7&8cross R over L, step back on L, tap R heel fwd
Restart wall 9
Section 4: Hip bumps, coaster step, triple turn ½, sailor step with heel
1-2bump R hip fwd, bump L hip back
3&4step back R, L beside R, step fwd on R
5&6turn ¼ R step L to L side, step R beside L, turn ¼ R step back on L
7&8step R behind L, step L to L side, tap R heel fwd
Tag 1 + 2 on end of wall 2
Tag 2 on end of wall 11
Tag 1 on end of wall 12
Tag 1(8 counts):
Back rock, triple turn 1/4, heel switches
1-2rock back on R, recover on L
3&4step fwd on R, step L beside R, turn ¼ R step fwd on R
5&6&tap L heel fwd, step L in place, tap R heel fwd, step R in place,
7&8tap L heel fwd, step L in place, tap R heel fwd
Tag 2(4 counts):
1-2-3-4Hold or stomps