CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Count On Me

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Jennifer Lindkvist (SWE) - April 2011
Count On Me - Bruno Mars : (Album: Doo Wops And Hooligans)
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S1: Side, together, side, touch, repeat
1-4Step right to right side, step left together, step right to right side, touch left beside right
5-8Step left to left side, step right together, step left to left side, touch right beside left

S2: Lockstep, scuff, lockstep, hold
1-4Step right forward, lock left behind, step right forward, scuff left forward
5-8Step left forward, lock right behind, step left forward, hold

S3: Pivot ½, step, hold, run x 3, hold
1-4Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left, step right forward, hold
5-8Run forward stepping left, right left, hold

S4: Point, hold, together, hold, coaster cross, hold
1-4Point right forward, hold, step right together, hold
5-8Step left back, step right beside left, cross left over right

S5: Scissorstep, hold, ¼ turn, ¼ turn, cross, hold
1-4Step right to right side, step left together, cross right over left, hold
5-8¼ turn right step left back, ¼ turn right step right to right side, cross left over right, hold

S6: Side toestrut, cross toestrut, touch, point, flick, recover
1-4Step right toe to right side, drop heel taking weight, cross left toe over right, drop left heel taking weight
5-8Touch right next to left, point right to right side, flick right heel back, recover on right

S7: Touch, heel, touch, hold, ¼ grapevine, step
1-4Touch left next to right, touch left heel forward, touch left next to right, step left to left side
5-8Cross right behind left, ¼ turn left step left forward, step right forward, hold

S8: Mambo, ½ turn, hold, ½ turn, hold, ½ turn, hold
1-4Rock left forward, recover on right, ½ turn left step left forward, hold
5-8½ turn left step right back, hold, ½ turn left step left forward, hold
Restart 5th wall

S9: Point, touch, point, touch, ¼ grapevine, hold
1-4Point right to right side, touch right next to left, repeat
5-8Step right to right side, cross left behind right, ¼ turn right step right forward, hold

S10: Pivot ½, ¼ turn, hold, cross, ¼ turn, side, hold
1-4Step left forward, pivot ½ turn right, ¼ turn right step left to left side, hold
5-8Cross right behind left, ¼ turn left step left forward, step right to right side, hold

S11: Sway x 2, sailor step, hold
1-4Sway left, right
5-8Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side, hold

S12: Sailor step, hold, ¾ spiral turn
1-4Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side, hold
5-8Touch left behind right, ¾ spiral turn left taking weight on left

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