S1: Step Pivot, Ball Rock Recover ½ Turn, Side Point x2, ¼ Point Back, ¼ Point Side
1,2aStep R fwd (1), ½ Turn L taking weight on L (2), Ball Step R beside L (a) - @6:00
3,4aRock L fwd (3), Recover back R (4), ½ Turn L stepping L fwd (a) - @12:00
5a6aPoint R to R side, Step R beside L, Point L to L side, ¼ Turn L stepping L to R @9:00
7a,8Point R toe back (7), ¼ Turn R stepping R beside L (a), Point L to L side (7) - @12:00
S2: ¼ L fwd, ½ L w/ Sweep, Behind Side Cross Together, Cross & Cross, Cross Side Back
a1¼ Turn L stepping down on L (a), ½ Turn L stepping back on R sweeping L around (1) - @3:00
2a3Cross L behind R (2), Step R out to R side (a), Cross L over R (3) - @3:00
a4Side step R out to R (a), Close L foot next to R taking weight on L (4) - @3:00
5a6aCross R over L (5), Small step L w/ L (a), Cross R over L (6), Small Step L w/ L (a) - @3:00
7,8aCross R over L sweeping L around (7), Cross L over R (8), Step R out to R (a) - @3:00
S3: 1/8 Turn Rock Recover, 7/8 Turn w/ Sweep, Side Touch x4 making ¾ Turn
1, 21/8 Turn L Rocking back on L (1), Recover fwd on to R foot (2) - @1:30
a3,43/8 Turn R stepping back on L (a), ½ Turn R stepping R fwd sweeping L around (3), Cross L over R (4)- @12:00
a5a6Step R to R (a), Touch L beside R (5), ¼ Turn L stepping L to L (a), Touch R beside L (6) - @9:00
a7a8¼ Turn L stepping R to R (a), Touch L beside R (7), ¼ Turn L stepping L to L (a), Touch R beside L (8) - @3:00
S4: Side Rock Recover, Rock Recover ½ Turn x2, Step Pivot Sweep, Cross Back Together
&a1Rock R out to R (&), Recover on L (a), Rock R fwd (1) - @3:00
2a3,4Recover back L (2), ½ Turn R stepping R fwd (a), Rock L fwd (3), Recover back R (4) - @9:00
a5,67½ Turn L stepping L fwd (a), Step R fwd (5), ¼ Pivot L taking weight L (6), ¼ Pivot R taking weight fwd on R sweeping L around (7) - @3:00
8&a1Cross L over R (8), Step Back on R (&), Step L next to R (a), Step R fwd (1) which is the start of your dance - @3:00
TAG: IS THE FIRST 8 COUNTS OF THE DANCE… all the way to 8a….then Restart
Step Pivot, Ball Rock Recover ½ Turn, Side Point x2, ¼ Point Back, ¼ Point Side
1,2aStep R fwd (1), ½ Turn L taking weight on L (2), Ball Step R beside L (a) - @6:00
3,4aRock L fwd (3), Recover back R (4), ½ Turn L stepping L fwd (a) - @12:00
5a6aPoint R to R side, Step R beside L, Point L to L side, ¼ Turn L stepping L to R @9:00
7a8aPoint R toe back (7), ¼ Turn R stepping R beside L (a), Point L to L (8), Step L to R (a)
**** Immediately step R fwd to restart your dance
RESTART 1: DANCE 24 counts plus next 2 counts of 4th 8……so to your quick rock recover forward….count would be 8&a1 for your restart.
RESTART 2: Dance first 4 counts of dance and restart counts are 12a34a
SEQUENCE: 32, Tag @ 3o’clock, Restart 1, 32, Tag @ 9o’clock, 32, 32, 32, Restart 2, 32….
1,2aStep R fwd (1), ½ Turn L taking weight on L (2), Ball Step R beside L (a) - @6:00
3,4aRock L fwd (3), Recover back R (4), ½ Turn L stepping L fwd (a) - @12:00
5a6aPoint R to R side, Step R beside L, Point L to L side, ¼ Turn L stepping L to R @9:00
7a,8Point R toe back (7), ¼ Turn R stepping R beside L (a), Point L to L side (7) - @12:00
S2: ¼ L fwd, ½ L w/ Sweep, Behind Side Cross Together, Cross & Cross, Cross Side Back
a1¼ Turn L stepping down on L (a), ½ Turn L stepping back on R sweeping L around (1) - @3:00
2a3Cross L behind R (2), Step R out to R side (a), Cross L over R (3) - @3:00
a4Side step R out to R (a), Close L foot next to R taking weight on L (4) - @3:00
5a6aCross R over L (5), Small step L w/ L (a), Cross R over L (6), Small Step L w/ L (a) - @3:00
7,8aCross R over L sweeping L around (7), Cross L over R (8), Step R out to R (a) - @3:00
S3: 1/8 Turn Rock Recover, 7/8 Turn w/ Sweep, Side Touch x4 making ¾ Turn
1, 21/8 Turn L Rocking back on L (1), Recover fwd on to R foot (2) - @1:30
a3,43/8 Turn R stepping back on L (a), ½ Turn R stepping R fwd sweeping L around (3), Cross L over R (4)- @12:00
a5a6Step R to R (a), Touch L beside R (5), ¼ Turn L stepping L to L (a), Touch R beside L (6) - @9:00
a7a8¼ Turn L stepping R to R (a), Touch L beside R (7), ¼ Turn L stepping L to L (a), Touch R beside L (8) - @3:00
S4: Side Rock Recover, Rock Recover ½ Turn x2, Step Pivot Sweep, Cross Back Together
&a1Rock R out to R (&), Recover on L (a), Rock R fwd (1) - @3:00
2a3,4Recover back L (2), ½ Turn R stepping R fwd (a), Rock L fwd (3), Recover back R (4) - @9:00
a5,67½ Turn L stepping L fwd (a), Step R fwd (5), ¼ Pivot L taking weight L (6), ¼ Pivot R taking weight fwd on R sweeping L around (7) - @3:00
8&a1Cross L over R (8), Step Back on R (&), Step L next to R (a), Step R fwd (1) which is the start of your dance - @3:00
TAG: IS THE FIRST 8 COUNTS OF THE DANCE… all the way to 8a….then Restart
Step Pivot, Ball Rock Recover ½ Turn, Side Point x2, ¼ Point Back, ¼ Point Side
1,2aStep R fwd (1), ½ Turn L taking weight on L (2), Ball Step R beside L (a) - @6:00
3,4aRock L fwd (3), Recover back R (4), ½ Turn L stepping L fwd (a) - @12:00
5a6aPoint R to R side, Step R beside L, Point L to L side, ¼ Turn L stepping L to R @9:00
7a8aPoint R toe back (7), ¼ Turn R stepping R beside L (a), Point L to L (8), Step L to R (a)
**** Immediately step R fwd to restart your dance
RESTART 1: DANCE 24 counts plus next 2 counts of 4th 8……so to your quick rock recover forward….count would be 8&a1 for your restart.
RESTART 2: Dance first 4 counts of dance and restart counts are 12a34a
SEQUENCE: 32, Tag @ 3o’clock, Restart 1, 32, Tag @ 9o’clock, 32, 32, 32, Restart 2, 32….