CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Oh, No!

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Michael Metzger (USA) - March 2015
Oh No! - Marina and The Diamonds
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[1-8] Side Step, Slide Together, Cross Rock Behind, Recover, ¼ Turn and Step Back, Syncopated ½ Turn, ¼ Turn Scissor Step
1, 2Large step R to right, Slide L together (keeping weight on R)
3&4Cross rock L behind R, Recover to R, Turn ¼ right and step L back (3:00)
5&6Turn ¼ right and step R to side (6:00), Step L together, Turn ¼ right and step R forward (9:00)
7&8Step L forward, Pivot ¼ right and shift weight to R (12:00), Cross L over R

[9-16] Hip Bump, Hip Bump, Kick Ball Cross, Kick Ball Change, ½ Pivot
1&2&Point R to side and bump hips to right, Bump hips back, Bend knees slightly to lower your body and bump hips right, Bump hips back and lift R
3&4Kick R on right diagonal, Step ball of R together, Cross L over R
5&6Kick R on right diagonal, Step ball of R together, Step L forward
7, 8Step R forward, Pivot ½ left and shift weight to L (6:00)

[17-24] ¼ Turn and Point, ¼ Turn and Step Down, ½ Turn and Point, Step Down, Touch Forward, Touch Back, Kick Ball Cross
1, 2Turn ¼ left and point R to side (3:00), Turn ¼ left and take weight on R (12:00)
3, 4Turn ½ left and point L forward (6:00), Take weight on L
5, 6Touch R forward, Touch R back
7&8Kick R forward, Step ball of R together, Cross L over R

[25-32] Point Side, Point Forward, Point Side, Cross Behind, Point Side, ¼ Turn and Step Side, Step Together, Cross Behind, Step Side, Cross
1, 2Point R to right, Point R forward
3&4Point R to right, Cross R behind L, Point L to side
5, 6Turn ¼ right and step L to side (9:00), Step R together
7&8Cross L behind R, Step R to side, Cross L over R

Tag: At the end of wall 8 - Sway side to side four times
1, 2Rock onto R and sway hips to right, Rock onto L and sway hips to left
3, 4Rock onto R and sway hips to right, Rock onto L and sway hips to left


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