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She's With Me

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Low Intermediate
Theresa Reed (USA) - March 2015
She's with Me - High Valley : (Album: County Line)
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#16 count Intro (begin on vocals)

Personal Note: This dance is for my wonderful hubby who supports me in all things and often expresses the sentiment of the song, for which I love him dearly - but he is my rock, my shelter, my friend &quite simply : “He’s Amazing!”

[1-8]: Turning Sambas (2…making ¼ turn left), Behind-Side-Cross, Big Step-Together
1&2Step right foot across left (on diagonal at 1:30), step ball of left foot next to right, step right foot to right and slightly back. (1:30)
3&4Step left foot across right, step ball of left foot next to right(on diagonal at 11:30), step left foot to left squaring up to 9 o’clock wall. (9 o’clock)
5&6Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left, step right foot across left.
7 8Big Step to left on left foot, Step right foot beside left. (9 o’clock)

[9-16]: Mambo Forward, Mambo Back, Mambo Cross, Hinge Turn to Left (½)
1&2Step forward on left, recover weight to right foot in place, step left foot beside right.
3&4Step back on right, recover weight to left foot in place, step right foot beside left.
5&6Step to left side on left, recover weight to right foot in place, step left foot across right.
7 8¼ turn left stepping back on right foot, ¼ turn left stepping left foot to left. (3 o’clock)
*** Restarts happen HERE! *** (The Restart happens while dancing Wall 6 (which starts facing 6 o’clock). At the restart point in dance, you will be facing 12 o’clock.)

[17-24]: Cross-Step-Cross, Rhumba Box, Rock- Recover
1&2Step right foot across left, step left foot to left, step right foot across left.
3&4Step left foot to left, step right foot beside left, step left foot forward.
5&6Step right foot to right, step left foot beside right, step right foot back.
7 8Rock back on left foot, Recover weight to right. (3 o’clock)

[25-32]: Step forward and Touch Toe-Hold, Step back and Touch Heel-Hold, Replace weight to left foot, Jazz Box with ½ turn right
&1 2Step left foot forward, touch right toe behind left, hold
&3 4Step right foot back, touch left heel forward, hold.
&Step left foot beside right.
5 6 7 8Step right foot over left, step left foot back, making ½ turn right step right foot forward, step right foot beside left. (9 o’clock)

TAG: (Dance the Tag after Wall 2 and before Wall 3…you will be facing 6 o’clock)
[1-8]: Rock & Rock& Step-Clap (right side); Rock & Rock& Step-Clap (left side)
1&2&3 4Rock right foot forward, replace weight to left, Rock right foot to right, replace weight to left, step right foot next to left (Stomp if you feel it…just make sure to take weight here!), Clap.
5&6&78Rock left foot forward, replace weight to right, Rock left foot to left, replace weight to right, step left foot next to right (Stomp if you feel it…just make sure to take weight here!), Clap.


Last Update - 19th March 2015
Summer430 March 14, 2015
I LOVE THIS DANCE! This is a GREAT Dance to a GREAT song! AND it is so much FUN to dance! Flows well and fits the music! Teach it to your class, they will love it!

Jentle Lisa March 14, 2015
Yes the class enjoyed learning it. New movements I havent done before. Great job Theresa!

aud March 14, 2015
looks like a good dance

aud March 14, 2015
looks like a good dance

aud March 14, 2015
looks like a good dance

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