CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Feeling Lonesome

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High Improver
Etere Betty George (NZ) - February 2015
Oh Lonesome Me – Barbie Davidson
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[1-8] Forward, Touch & Clap, Back, Touch & Clap [x2], Stomp [x2]
1-4Step fwd on L, tap R behind L heel & clap, step back on R, tap L beside R & clap
5-8Step back on L, tap R beside L & clap, stomp R to right side, stomp L beside R [12.00]

[9-16] Side Toe Strut, Cross, ¼ Turn, Side Toe Strut, Stomp [x2]
1-4Step R toe to right side, drop R heel to floor, cross L over R, turn ¼ left & step R back
5-8Step L toe to left side, drop L heel to floor, stomp R to right side, stomp L [9.00]

[17-24] R Forward, L Forward, Twists [x2]
1-4Step R fwd, step L fwd, twist heels to left, twist heels back to centre [weight on L]
5-8Step R fwd, step L fwd, twist heels to left, twist heels back to centre [weight on L] [9.00]

[25-32] Cross Toe Strut, ¼ Turn, Side, Cross Toe Strut, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn
1-4Cross R toes over L, step down on R, turn ¼ right & step L back, step R to side
5-8Cross L toes over R, step down on L, turn ¼ left & step R back, turn ¼ left & step L to side [6.00]

[33-40] Rocking Chair, ¼ Pivot, Cross, Hold
1-4Rock forward on R, recover on L, rock back on R, recover on L
5-6Step R fwd, ¼ pivot left, cross R over L, hold [3.00]

[41-48] Cross, Hold & Clap [x2] Cross Rock, Side Rock
1-2Cross L over R, hold & clap
3-4Cross R over L, hold & clap
5-8Cross L over R, recover on R, step L to side, recover on R [3.00]

[49-56] Cross, Side, Behind, ¼ Turn, ¼ Pivot, Forward, Hold
1-4Cross L over R, step R to side, cross L behind R, turn ¼ right & step R fwd
5-8Step L fwd, ¼ pivot right, step L fwd, hold [9.00]

[57-64] Full Turn Forward, Forward, Scuff, Rocking Chair
1-2Turn ½ left & step R back, turn ½ left & step L fwd
[Option: Walk fwd R.L.]
3-4Step R fwd, scuff L fwd
5-8Step L fwd, recover on R, step L back, recover on R [9.00]

ENDING: On Wall 8 – dance up to count 36 [9.00] – then step R fwd & turn ¾ left to face the front.

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