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Hippie Chicken

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Phrased Improver
Steve Lustgraaf (USA) & Friends (INA) - January 2015
"Hippie Chicken Farm" by BO'Dell
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Music available as CD on
Update 1/24/2015: music should be on ITunes and CDBaby very soon!

Start dance on count 17 on vocals, 32 count intro

Part A (all 64 counts)
A1: Step, Lock, Step x2
1-4Step forward R, step L behind R, Step forward R, hold (or scuff L)
5-8Step forward L, step R behind L, Step forward L, hold (or scuff R)

A2: Jazz box, “Insane” Hip Roll
9-10Cross R over L, step slightly back L
11-12Step side R, cross L over R
13-14Step forward R and hip roll ½ turn left, stepping L while waving both hands above head.
15-16Step forward R and hip roll ½ turn left, stepping L while waving both hands above head.
You should end up back at the front wall with your weight on the left foot.
During the chorus, the words “going insane” are being sung here, so have fun with it and go “insane”
You can just step turn, step turn, as it happens quickly and getting hip rolls in is tricky.

A3: Toe, Heel, Triple Step x2 (A- starts here, on the first time through start here)
17-18Touch R toe next to L, scuff R heel next to L
19&20Step RLR in place
21-22Touch L toe next to R, scuff L heel next to R
23&24Step LRL in place

A4: Rocking Chair x2
25-28Rock forward R, replace weight L, Rock back R, replace weight L
29-32Rock forward R, replace weight L, Rock back R, replace weight L

A5: “Rooster Groove” Paddle Turn Left, Paddle Turn Right With Styling (aka Chugs)
33-36Turning a total of ½ turn left, touch or push R three times weighting R on count 4
While going left, put left hand behind back, and leave right hand down at an angle to the right, also lean slightly left
37-40Turning a total of ½ turn right, touch or push L three times weighting L on count 4
While going right, put right hand behind back, leave left hand down at an angle to the left, also lean slightly right

A6: Knee circles
41-42R knee circle clockwise (2 cts)
43-44L knee circle counterclockwise (2 cts)
45-46R knee circle clockwise (1 ct), L knee circle CCW (1 ct)
47-48Circle both knees twice

A7: Lindy R, Lindy L
49-52Triple step right RLR, Rock L, replace R
53-56Triple step left LRL, Rock R, replace L

A8: Syncopated Splits slow, then quick (Out and Ins)
&57-58On the & count step slightly right on R, on count 1 step slightly left on L, hold count 2
&59-60On the & count step in R, on count 1 step together L, hold count 2
&61&62&63&64Out R, out L, in R, in L, out R, out L, in R, in L

Part B (Tag) Hip Bumps R,L,R,L

Part C Counts 1-16 of part A

Part D Counts 49-64 of part A

Sequence A-, B, A, A, B, A, C, A, B, A, B, D, B, D (slows down on about count 58, finish out and ins slowly)
There is still some slow music and a bit more after that, play around with an ending if you like.
Those in my classes will learn what we are doing. I know this looks complicated, but I feel it is easier to dance than to write!

Steve Lustgraaf - Intime Dance Productions : email:

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