CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Like a Girl in a Country Song

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High Beginner
Treece (USA) & Shell Paap (USA) - December 2014
Girl in a Country Song - Maddie & Tae
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Start on lyrics (***notes at bottom of step sheet)

R L Hip bumps, RL RL hip grind
1-4Bump Right hip twice to Right, Bump left hip twice to left
5-8Grind Hips Right Left, Right, Left,

2x Right heel fwd, left heel fwd, (moving backwards)
1-4Touch Right heel forward, Right foot next to left, Touch left heel forward, Left foot next to Right, (Moving backwards)

Step R touch, Step L touch, Step R touch, Step R touch
1-4Step Right on Right, touch left next to right, step left on left, touch right next to left,
5-8step Right on right, touch left next to right, step right on right, touch left next to right

Step L touch, step R touch, ¼ turning vine L, R, L, Touch
1-4Step left on left, touch right next to left, step right on right, touch left next to right
5-8¼ turn Left on left, Right behind Left, step left on left, touch Right next to left

Right Roc, Rec, Cross, Left Roc, Rec, Cross (slightly moving forward)
1–4Rock on right to right, rock on left to left, cross right over left, hold
5–8Rock on left to left, rock right on right, cross left over right, hold

Pivot ½ turns to left
1–4Step right forward, hold, Pivot ½ turn left, hold
5–8Step Right forward, hold, pivot ½ turn left, hold


*** “Girl in a Country Song”, short hold in the song/dance (2:40sec) at finish of 8th and start of 9th wall, you will hear it, (2 counts) hold and start again

Contact: SHELL PAAP - 719-660-3424 - -

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