Intro: 32 ct (start on vocals)
Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Side Toe Strut, Back Rock, Recover
1-6Touch right toe to R side, step heel down, cross left toe over right, step heel down, touch right toe to R side, step right heel down
7-8Rock left behind right, recover on right
Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Side Toe Strut, Back Rock, Recover ¼ Turn R
1-6Touch left toe to L side, step heel down, cross right toe over left, step right heel down, touch left toe to L side, step heel down
7-8Rock right behind left, recover ¼ turn R on left
R Step, Slide, Step, Touch (forward diagonal), Repeat With L
1-4Step right forward on right diagonal, slide left next to right, step right forward on right diagonal, touch left next to right
5-8Step left forward on left diagonal, slide right next to left, step left forward on left diagonal, touch right next to left
Back Touch, Back Touch, Back Touch, Back Touch
1-4Step right back, touch left, step left back, touch right
5-8Step right back, touch left, step left back, touch right
Start Again
Tags; at end of wall 5 (facing 3:00 wall) & at end of wall 10 (facing 6:00 wall) add the following 4 counts
Step R Out, Hold, Step L Out, Hold
1-4Step right forward out to right side, hold, step left forward out to left side, hold
There will be some changes in the music towards the end. Just dance through including dancing through a 4 count pause in the music. It works.
Ending: To end on front wall on last 8 counts of back touches turn ¼ turn L on count 7, touch right on count 8.
Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Side Toe Strut, Back Rock, Recover
1-6Touch right toe to R side, step heel down, cross left toe over right, step heel down, touch right toe to R side, step right heel down
7-8Rock left behind right, recover on right
Side Toe Strut, Cross Toe Strut, Side Toe Strut, Back Rock, Recover ¼ Turn R
1-6Touch left toe to L side, step heel down, cross right toe over left, step right heel down, touch left toe to L side, step heel down
7-8Rock right behind left, recover ¼ turn R on left
R Step, Slide, Step, Touch (forward diagonal), Repeat With L
1-4Step right forward on right diagonal, slide left next to right, step right forward on right diagonal, touch left next to right
5-8Step left forward on left diagonal, slide right next to left, step left forward on left diagonal, touch right next to left
Back Touch, Back Touch, Back Touch, Back Touch
1-4Step right back, touch left, step left back, touch right
5-8Step right back, touch left, step left back, touch right
Start Again
Tags; at end of wall 5 (facing 3:00 wall) & at end of wall 10 (facing 6:00 wall) add the following 4 counts
Step R Out, Hold, Step L Out, Hold
1-4Step right forward out to right side, hold, step left forward out to left side, hold
There will be some changes in the music towards the end. Just dance through including dancing through a 4 count pause in the music. It works.
Ending: To end on front wall on last 8 counts of back touches turn ¼ turn L on count 7, touch right on count 8.