Improver - WCS motion
Intro 16 count starting at the beat.
Sec 1. [1-8] Rock Step Fwd L, 1/2 L Fwd, Next, Side, Heel, Toe, Hitch, Side, Next, Fwd.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3&4Turn ½ left (6) step Lt fwd, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt side left.
5&6Swivel R heel left, swivel R toe left, hitch R knee up.
(Weight remains on Left during right heel/toe swivels).
7&8Step Rt to the right, step Lt together Rt, step Rt fwd.
Sec 2. [9-16] Press, Recover Sweep L, ¼ L Anchor Step, R Rondé, Behind, Side, Heel Swiches R-L, Next.
1-2Press Lt fwd, recover on Rt, turn ¼ left (3) sweep Lt from front to back.
3&4&Locked Lt behind Rt take weight onto Lt, recover on Rt, recover on Lt, rondé R from front to back.
5&6Step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to the left, touch R heel diagonal fwd.
&7&8step Rt side, touch L heel diagonal fwd, step Lt side, step Rt next to Lf.
Sec 3. [17-24] Down, Up with Kick R Diag, Cross Shuffle, 2x Hip Push L, Behind, 1/4 R Step, Step.
1-2Down, Up with kick Rt diagonal fwd.
3&4Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt sligtly to the left, cross Rt over Lt.
5&6&Point Lt out to left push L hip left, center, push L hip left, center weight onto Rt.
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, turn ¼ right (6) step Rt fwd, step Lt fwd.
Sec 4. [25-32] Mambo Step with ¼ R, Cross, ¼ L Back, Back, Hip Bumps 2x, ¼ L, Coaster Step R
1&2Mambo Rt fwd, recover on Lt, turn ¼ right (9) step Rt to the right.
3&4Cross Lt over Rt, turn ¼ left (6) step back Rt slightly back, step Lt slightly back.
5&6&Point R fwd and lift R hip up, hip down, point R diagonal and lift R hip up, hip down, point R side right push R hip hip to right, center weight onto Lt.
7&8Step Rt back, step Lt next to Rt, step Rt fwd. (3:00)
Start Again and have fun!
Sec 1. [1-8] Rock Step Fwd L, 1/2 L Fwd, Next, Side, Heel, Toe, Hitch, Side, Next, Fwd.
1-2Rock Lt fwd, recover on Rt.
3&4Turn ½ left (6) step Lt fwd, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt side left.
5&6Swivel R heel left, swivel R toe left, hitch R knee up.
(Weight remains on Left during right heel/toe swivels).
7&8Step Rt to the right, step Lt together Rt, step Rt fwd.
Sec 2. [9-16] Press, Recover Sweep L, ¼ L Anchor Step, R Rondé, Behind, Side, Heel Swiches R-L, Next.
1-2Press Lt fwd, recover on Rt, turn ¼ left (3) sweep Lt from front to back.
3&4&Locked Lt behind Rt take weight onto Lt, recover on Rt, recover on Lt, rondé R from front to back.
5&6Step Rt behind Lt, step Lt to the left, touch R heel diagonal fwd.
&7&8step Rt side, touch L heel diagonal fwd, step Lt side, step Rt next to Lf.
Sec 3. [17-24] Down, Up with Kick R Diag, Cross Shuffle, 2x Hip Push L, Behind, 1/4 R Step, Step.
1-2Down, Up with kick Rt diagonal fwd.
3&4Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt sligtly to the left, cross Rt over Lt.
5&6&Point Lt out to left push L hip left, center, push L hip left, center weight onto Rt.
7&8Step Lt behind Rt, turn ¼ right (6) step Rt fwd, step Lt fwd.
Sec 4. [25-32] Mambo Step with ¼ R, Cross, ¼ L Back, Back, Hip Bumps 2x, ¼ L, Coaster Step R
1&2Mambo Rt fwd, recover on Lt, turn ¼ right (9) step Rt to the right.
3&4Cross Lt over Rt, turn ¼ left (6) step back Rt slightly back, step Lt slightly back.
5&6&Point R fwd and lift R hip up, hip down, point R diagonal and lift R hip up, hip down, point R side right push R hip hip to right, center weight onto Lt.
7&8Step Rt back, step Lt next to Rt, step Rt fwd. (3:00)
Start Again and have fun!