Easy Intermediate
(1-8) Grapevine Right, Grapevine Left With 1/4 Turn Left, Brush 右藤步, 左藤步帶左1/4,刷踏
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
右足右踏, 左足於右足後交叉踏
3-4Step right to right side, touch left next to right
右足右踏, 左足併點
5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
左足左踏, 右足於左足後交叉踏
7-8Make 1/4 turn left stepping forward on left , brush right foot next to left
左轉90度左足前踏, 右足併刷踏
(9-16) R Forwwd rock/recover, R back shuffle, L Back rock/recover, R Forward shuffle
1-2Rock R forward, Recover weight on L
右足前下沉 左足後回復
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R back
右足後踏 左足併踏右足後踏
5-6Rock L Back, Recover weight on R
左足後下沉 右足前回復
7&8Step L Forward, step R together, step L Forward
左足前踏 右足併踏左足前踏
(17-24) R Side-Rock, Recover, Cross R, Hold, L Side-Rock, Recover, Cross L, Hold
1-4R side rock, recover weight on L, cross step R over L, hold
右足右下沉 左足左回復 右足交叉右足踏 停拍
5-8L side rock, recover weight on R, cross step L over R, hold
左足左下沉 右足右回復 左足交叉左足踏 停拍
(25-32) Walk Around 1/2,Out Jump, Jump Together l(with clap),
1-4Walk(run) around in a 1/2 circle for counts 4, starting on right foot
向左跑步1/2圈 (右足起跑4拍)
&5-6R Out Jump both feet forward ,with clap
雙足前跳踏 拍手
&7-8Back Jump both feet Together, clap hands ( weight ends on left)
雙足後併跳踏 拍手
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
右足右踏, 左足於右足後交叉踏
3-4Step right to right side, touch left next to right
右足右踏, 左足併點
5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
左足左踏, 右足於左足後交叉踏
7-8Make 1/4 turn left stepping forward on left , brush right foot next to left
左轉90度左足前踏, 右足併刷踏
(9-16) R Forwwd rock/recover, R back shuffle, L Back rock/recover, R Forward shuffle
1-2Rock R forward, Recover weight on L
右足前下沉 左足後回復
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R back
右足後踏 左足併踏右足後踏
5-6Rock L Back, Recover weight on R
左足後下沉 右足前回復
7&8Step L Forward, step R together, step L Forward
左足前踏 右足併踏左足前踏
(17-24) R Side-Rock, Recover, Cross R, Hold, L Side-Rock, Recover, Cross L, Hold
1-4R side rock, recover weight on L, cross step R over L, hold
右足右下沉 左足左回復 右足交叉右足踏 停拍
5-8L side rock, recover weight on R, cross step L over R, hold
左足左下沉 右足右回復 左足交叉左足踏 停拍
(25-32) Walk Around 1/2,Out Jump, Jump Together l(with clap),
1-4Walk(run) around in a 1/2 circle for counts 4, starting on right foot
向左跑步1/2圈 (右足起跑4拍)
&5-6R Out Jump both feet forward ,with clap
雙足前跳踏 拍手
&7-8Back Jump both feet Together, clap hands ( weight ends on left)
雙足後併跳踏 拍手